
City budget


Understanding your property taxes and home valuations

Bloomington’s deputy finance officer and city assessor help you understand two important documents that arrive in mailboxes in March - your property taxes and home valuations.

Annual budget books and budget in brief

The Budget in Brief is a 30 page summary of the Annual Budget Book. 

2024 budget book


The Annual Budget Books for the past five years are linked below. More financial reports are available at blm.mn/financialreports.

About deputy finance officer Kari Carlson

  • Oversees the City's annual budget process which includes 30 individual funds. All budgets must be approved by the City Council by the end of the year. 
  • Leads budget public participation efforts.
  • Assists departments with analysis of their current year budget requests as well as produces long-term financial models for funds to forecast future working capital balances.
  • Works closely with the city manager, assistant city manager and department heads to provide options to the City Council for funding programs, initiatives, and projects as well as identifying spending areas that can be reduced along with strategies to fund future capital projects and large equipment purchases. Serves as advisor to the Executive Leadership Team on budget related matters
  • Files the preliminary and final property tax levy with Hennepin County, compiles and submits annual reports to the Government Finance Officers Association, submits annual reports to the Office of the State Auditor.
  • Supervises and supports the Grant Coordinator Accountant who coordinates and ensures compliance with the City's grant administration policy.
  • Supervises and supports the Auditor who conducts sales tax audits of local businesses to ensure proper collection of revenues and compliance with various codes.
Kari Carlson
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Contact Information

Contact Information

Kari Carlson, CPFO

Deputy Finance Officer