City offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Utility Billing


Payments must be received in the City offices on or before the due date to avoid late fees. Postmark dates are not used. Late fees are 5 percent of the account balance and are reflected on your next bill.

Utility rates

Methods for paying your utility bill

  • Online

  • Auto-pay

    • Save time and postage, and avoid late fees. Sign up to have your payment taken automatically from your savings or checking account on the due date. Click here to print the auto-pay form.
  • By mail

    • Send payments to the City of Bloomington, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd., Bloomington, MN 55431-3027. Please mail seven days in advance of the due date to insure on-time arrival of payment.
  • In person

    • Bring your payment to City Hall and pay at the cashier's window. There is also a drop box in the City Hall parking lot and at each of the main entrances. If you are paying on the due date, bring the payment inside to the cashier in order to have the payment posted that day.
  • By credit card

    • Call the cashier at (952-563-8757). VISA and MASTERCARD are accepted.
  • Returned checks

    • If your check is returned to us by your bank, your account will be charged a $30.00 returned check fee. If your account becomes past due because of the returned check, late fees will be applied.

Assessment to taxes

On or before July 1 each year, all accounts with an amount past due will be sent a notice of possible assessment of that amount. This notice will be sent to the owner of record. It will include the dates of an Administrative hearing and the date of the City Council hearing to certify the assessment roll. A public notice of these hearings will be printed in the Sun Current around the third week of August. If you pay the amount past due, no further action on your part is necessary. If you have questions about the amount you owe, call Utility Billing (952-563-8726) for clarification.

Residential accounts

Utility Billing is responsible for the timely collection of monies owed the Utility for goods and services provided. Supported by the Public Works Utilities Division, Utility Billing receives their daily assignments and supervision from the Finance Department.

Moving out

We must get an inside meter reading each time there is a change in occupancy. About a week before you move please call the Utility Billing Division (952-563-8726) and provide the following information: Your forwarding address for the final bill, a telephone number where you can be reached, the moving date and the name of the new occupant (if you have it). Please take an inside meter reading (include all stationary numbers) within 24 hours of the time you move and call it in to our meter reading line (952-563-4971). Leave your name, the address of the property, and the reading on the recording. Your final bill will arrive at your new address in a few weeks.

Moving in

Please call the Utility Billing Division (952-563-8726) and provide the following information: Your name(s), the address you want the bill sent to, and the date you are moving in. Within 24 hours of moving in please take an initial inside meter reading (include all stationary numbers) and call the meter reading line at (952-563-4971). Leave your name, the address of the property, and the full meter reading on the recording.

Temporary vacancy

If you are going to be gone for 3 or more months, please notify our office. We will note the change in usage. If you are gone 5 months or longer, you may want to avoid some charges by having your water turned off at the curb. Please call a customer service representative at 952-563-8726 for details.

Estimated charges

In the event we do not get a reading for your account, your water charges may be estimated. If you receive an estimated bill please call the Utility Billing Division as soon as possible. There are many reasons why we may not get a reading. Your meter may need to be serviced. This should be done without delay to avoid inaccurate billing of your account.

Billing schedule

Meters are read and accounts are billed six times per year, every eight to nine weeks. The reading and billing is done according to geographic area. The bill is sent approximately three weeks after the reading date and is due approximately twenty-six days after mailing.

Due dates

Payment due dates are calculated to occur 28 days after the bill is mailed. Due dates are not flexible within a billing cycle. In researching the issue, a few large private utilities do offer additional but limited flexibility of an account's due date. This capability is due to electronic meter readings that allow a customer to be put in any cycle without the limitation of billing by geographic area, as opposed to the City readings that are conducted on-site by a meter reader. These private utility companies also bill their customers monthly instead of bi-monthly.

While we are not able to fulfill request for custom due dates at the current time, we are always looking for additional ways to meet customer needs.

Late fees

Owners must pay the total amount set forth in the bill on or before the due date listed on the bill. Failure to make payment by the due date listed on the bill will result in a late fee assessment of five percent (5%) of the total amount due and owing. From Bloomington City Code, Section 11.06(d) Water Bills.

Rental properties

The responsibilities of landlords with regard to applications for service installations and water service are addressed in Bloomington City Code, Section 11.01(c).


Commercial accounts

Billing schedule

Commercial and multi-family residential accounts are billed monthly. Call a Utility Billing representative (952-563-8726) if you would like a copy of the schedule.


Call Utility Billing to request a rate sheet or see Bloomington City Code, Chapter 11 for detailed rate information.

Utilities Division Annual Report

The Utilities Division's Utilities Annual Report is published in about June each year and summarizes the division's activities from the previous year.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Utility Billing