
Temporary On-Street Parking


Your request must be submitted at least two business days prior to the requested time.  If it is a last minute request, you may call the Engineering Division at 952-563-4870 (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.); however, a minimum of one-business-day notice is required for all requests.  

We are only able to approve parking for one month at a time. For longer projects, please submit a request for the first 30 days of your project. Then after the first request expires, please submit another request for the next month of your project.

The request is not approved unless and until you have received a notification of approval.

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Temporary On-Street Parking

Contact info
Please use dashes when entering your phone number, e.g., 555-555-5555
Request Details
Which side of street?
Requests must be at least two days from today's date.
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The City of Bloomington does not discriminate against or deny the benefits of its services, programs, or activities to a qualified person because of a disability. To make a request for a reasonable accommodation, ask for more information, or to file a complaint, contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Division, City of Bloomington, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, MN 55431- 3027; 952-563-8733, MN Relay 711.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Engineering Division