City offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Engineering Division


Engineering provides design and construction inspection for the City's water supply, sanitary and storm sewer drainage systems, streets, sidewalks and municipal facilities. We review the wetland impact of construction projects to ensure City infrastructure standards are met.

Engineering Data Hub

Explore the City of Bloomington's Engineering Hub for more information 

Engineering Geospatial Hub
Engineering Geospatial Hub


Engineering covers the following areas:

Street design and construction

A large portion of the Street Section's activities and efforts are devoted to the planning, funding and design of various street projects. This includes surveying, preparing plans, conducting the necessary public meetings and hearings, bidding projects, coordinating the acquisition of easements for the construction of the project, coordinating and accommodating adjacent private developments, inspecting the construction, performing contract administration for the construction and preparing the project ad financial reporting for federal and state agencies.

The Streets Section works closely with the Street Maintenance Section to efficiently and effectively keep Bloomington's roadways repaired.

Traffic and transportation

Traffic Engineering works with residents and businesses on property access and traffic control. We also act as liaison with other public jurisdictions on local and regional roads, walkways, bikeways and transit service. The Section works closely with the Maintenance Division which manages more than 4,000 roadway lights, 130 traffic signal systems and 15,000 signs.

Water resources

Some of Bloomington's most valuable resources are its lakes, wetlands, Nine Mile Creek and the Minnesota River. This delicately-balanced, natural system changes constantly and needs our help to remain healthy.

Engineering services

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Engineering Division