Off-leash recreation area for dogs (Tretbaugh Park)
Parks and Recreation Links
On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, a formal groundbreaking ceremony took place to officially launch the beginning of a project that will transform Tretbaugh into a bike skills park. Construction is scheduled to begin late summer 2024. In addition to the bike skills features, the redesigned park add more than 50 new trees and 2.5 acres of native landscape.
The rink used as an off-leash recreation area for dogs was removed as part of this process. Park Maintenance staff are exploring the possibility of configuring the rink at Brookside Park as a replacement seasonal off-leash area for dogs.
For more information, visit Let's Talk Bloomington.

Located at West 90th Street and Tretbaugh Drive, two dog parks are available for use within the broomball rinks, April 15 - October 15. Actual seasonal availability is weather dependent, so give us a call (952-563-8877) for details.
While these areas are much smaller than the off-leash area at 111th and Nesbitt, this convenient location offers dog owners the opportunity for fun and exercise. Check them out today!
Bloomington off-leash site rules
- Dogs must be licensed in the city in which you live.
- Dogs must be under voice control at all times.
- Dog handlers must closely supervise their dogs and be within view.
- Dog handlers must have leashes in hand at all times.
- Clean up after your dog.
- Personal belongings may not be left on site (lawn chairs, kiddie pools, etc.)
- Children must be supervised.
- Maximum two dogs per handler.
- Leash dogs while entering and exiting the area.
Off-leash recreation area tips
Please, park only in the designated off-leash parking lot. Do not park in the local business' parking lots and cut across the property. Stay on the city property and respect the rights of the local property owners. If you find that the parking lot is full, please call Parks and Recreation and let us know so that we can address the problem.
Dog license
A current dog license is required for entrance into the Off-Leash Area. Residents may purchase their dog license at Bloomington Civic Plaza (1800 West Old Shakopee Road) during business hours. Proof of rabies vaccination is required. Check with the city you live in for licensure requirements.
New users
New users should try to visit the area at non-peak times. Peak times are after work on Monday-Friday and midday on weekends.
The first visit can be somewhat stressful for both you and your dog. You may be unsure about how your dog will behave. Your dog, if not well socialized, may be worried by the presence of other dogs and people. Stress and anxiety could ruin the experience for you and your dog(s), so try to keep those initial visits short and happy.
Practical Rules for Off-Leash Areas
Reprinted with permission from ROMP, Roseville
Yes, even in the long grass and the woods, and especially near paths or water. Deposit poop in trash barrels.
- Show some respect! Don't leave your dog's mess for others to step in, look at, or clean up.
- This area is not maintained by tax-supported city workers. It's your job to keep it clean.
- Thousands of dogs use this area, and poop accumulates faster than it degrades.
- Some dogs EAT poop - don't add to the misery of their owners!
- Poop run-off pollutes our ponds, lakes and streams with nutrients.
- POOP KILLS public opinion and undermines the reputation of all dog owners.
Off-leash dogs are in violation of park rules until they are within the boundary of the off-leash site. Noncompliance generates complaints to the city and threatens the existence of this off-leash area. We've worked hard to get this space, please don't ruin it for the rest of us!
Note: Leashed dogs often feel threatened when other dogs approach them. They may bark, growl, or even lunge to ward off perceived threats, triggering a similar response in other dogs. This is why people who walk their dogs on-leash are often afraid of off-leash dogs, so please respect the off-leash boundary. This is also why it can be difficult to control your leashed dog when passing other dogs in the parking lot or on the access paths. Keep as much distance as you can from the other dogs. You may even step aside and wait until another dog passes. Try to focus your dog's attention on you rather than the other dog. Move quickly and calmly past the dog. Once your leashed dog no longer has eye contact with the passing dog, your dog should calm down.
If you are worried about unleashing your dog or letting it run with a training line (see next paragraph), please reconsider your reasons for using the off-leash area. For the reasons discussed above, leashed dogs can be very disruptive for the off-leash area. It's unfair to your dog to expect it to behave as if the free dogs were not present and it's unrealistic to expect the free dogs to ignore your dog.
For those of you who are still working on your recalls, or if it's your first visit and you are unsure how your dog will behave, keep a long training line attached to the dog's collar (it's much easier to catch them). Drop the line and let the dog run freely. Periodically call your dog to you and run away from the dog. Your dog should suddenly become more interested in following you than in running away or ignoring you. Praise and reward your dog when it comes to you. Repeat this exercise each time you visit the site. ALWAYS reward a success!
Walking helps the dogs perceive the site as neutral territory, which minimizes turf battles and other canine misunderstandings. Remember that all dogs have a natural instinct to defend their space, and some dogs have a stronger instinct than others do. If you have one of those "friendly" dogs, try not to let it run up and greet an unfamiliar dog. From a dog's point of view, especially shy dogs or well-trained dogs, this kind of behavior can be seen as rude or threatening. That "friendly" dog may provoke a natural correction response from the other dog. Keep your groups small and keep walking!
KNOW YOUR DOG. Avoid situations that are likely to cause problems for your dog or other dogs. Be willing to work with other dog owners to prevent incidents. Leash and leave the site if your dog is having a bad day or is showing signs of unacceptable behavior.
Understand that dogs have different temperaments and play styles. Some dogs are aloof and don't like to play, some seem quite rough in their play, some are party animals and will attempt to provoke a chase by nipping or barking. Educate yourself on dog behavior, observe your dog's response to situations, and ask questions. A behavior that concerns you may simply be a more rambunctious play style or an invitation to chase. On the other hand, owners of rambunctious dogs must be sensitive to the needs of shy dogs and be ready to move to other parts of the site to prevent incidents.
Beware of breaking up dogfights. Do NOT reach in to pull the dogs apart. A good approach is to carry a water bottle and squirt water in the dogs' faces to distract them. Once the dogs are distracted, you can separate the dogs more safely.
- Keep your child close and do not allow running, screaming or biking.
- Many dogs were not raised with children. A child who screams or runs can trigger a dog's prey instincts (chasing or biting).
- Do not give your child treats to pass out to strange dogs. Treats can create competition between dogs and your child might be caught in the middle.
- Do not allow your child to approach strange dogs without permission from the owner. Many dogs have little experience with children. A strange dog could feel challenged by a child's overly friendly approach and may snap or growl.
Pick up cigarette butts and other trash. Keep the water jug supply to a minimum, throw away damaged jugs, and secure the empty jugs so that they don't blow around. Fill any holes that your dog digs so that others don't step in them and hurt themselves. Recycle your small plastic bags by bringing them to replenish the poop bag supply.
Remember, by law you are liable for damage and injuries inflicted by your dog. Offer to pay for vet bills, doctor bills and replace damaged property. Involved persons should exchange names and phone numbers. Report serious incidents. Report serious incidents by calling 911.
- Keep licenses and vaccinations up to date.
- Spay or neuter your dog.
- Train your dog in basic obedience.
- Educate yourself about dog behavior (many books, magazines and websites are available).
The Scoop on Poop
Many people believe that disposing poop in the trash is environmentally irresponsible. In fact, it's the dog poop left on the ground that poses the greater environmental threat. We all know that poop is "fertilizer," but we may not all realize that these nutrients flow directly, or via storm sewers, to our lakes, ponds and streams. Leaving poop near water, on sloped ground, or on paved surfaces is irresponsible and the real consequence is water pollution!
Other people believe that it's OK to let the poop biodegrade "as nature intended." However, biodegradation is a slow process, especially when the weather is cold. With the large number of dogs using off-leash areas, poop accumulates faster than it degrades. The accumulation exposes our pets to harmful parasites and our shoes, cars and homes to unpleasant dog poop contamination (do you know what your dog is stepping in?). Also, there are some dogs that EAT poop. Please don't add to their diet!
Few people realize that the most important reason to pick up poop is to help reform our reputation with the general public. Abandoned poop piles foster the notion that dog owners are rude and irresponsible, and that dogs are a public nuisance. Indeed, we cannot defend a dog owner who lets their dog poop in a public space (or in somebody's yard) and then leaves the mess for others to smell, look at, step in or clean up. Like it or not, off-leash recreation is a controversial issue for local governments and there is a strong anti-dog sentiment that persists in the political process. Dog poop tops the list of complaints about dogs, far exceeding concerns about dog aggression and public safety. POOP KILLS public opinion! And public opinion is what matters most in efforts to obtain recreational space that we can enjoy with our dogs.
Please understand that these off-leash areas are maintained entirely by the goodwill of site users, not by tax-supported public servants. Your action sets an example, good or bad, for others who use these areas. There may be a time that you find yourself without a bag or simply miss seeing your dog "do its business." Please pick up a stray poop pile to offset that pile that someone else picks up for YOU! Better yet, carry extra bags to offer would-be offenders or pick up a few stray piles along the path. It's everyone's job to help keep our site clean.
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Copyright © 2000 by ROMP, Roseville
Release 09/00