
Veterans Memorial at Harrison Park

Veterans’ memorial

A new veterans memorial will be constructed and located at Harrison Park, 1701 W. 100th Street. The City of Bloomington has been working with the nonprofit Bloomington Remembers Veterans Inc. to honor and recognize veterans with a permanent veterans memorial in Bloomington. 

The City and Bloomington Remembers Veterans worked together to come up with a wonderful setting for the memorial that will offer a serene site, ample parking, and high visibility along with a solution that will result in construction efficiency and cost savings.


  • The City of Bloomington has been partnering with the nonprofit, Bloomington Remembers Veterans Inc., to build a Veterans Memorial.
  • The site for the Memorial will be Harrison Park, 1701 W. 100th Street, a location that naturally provides a beautiful, peaceful setting.    
  • Site locations at Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Road, were explored but the site fit and existing conditions of the campus, parking, roads, and nearby railroad did not fit the design intentions for creating a peaceful place for reflection and gathering. The Civic Plaza location would have required significant design investments to create the desired natural aesthetic.
  • Harrison Park is located within and serves as a gateway entrance into the Nine Mile Creek Corridor.  
  • Harrison Park renewal, part of the Nine Mile Creek Corridor renewal project, is currently in the schematic design phase, which includes site grading, natural resource improvements with space for gathering and passive use of the park area, parking lot reconstruction, stormwater management, access improvements, and removal of the old playground equipment. These related improvements to construct the Memorial do not change any of the local sales tax allocation associated with the Harrison Park renewal updates, instead the Memorial complements the renewal project. New playground and park amenities are planned for nearby Moir Park as part of the renewal project.  
  • The Veterans Memorial pairs well and complements the intended park design and use, and the timing is nearly ideal to integrate the Memorial into Harrison Park.
  • Site work already included in the Nine Mile Creek Corridor renewal project will naturally support the construction of the Memorial, providing construction efficiency and costs savings.
  • The funds raised for the Memorial will be fully allocated to the Memorial.
  • Current funding includes $350,000 DEED grant, $100,000 Bloomington Remembers Veterans donation and $275,000 City funds for design and construction.
  • Memorial construction will be timed within the Nile Mile Creek Corridor renewal project with a goal of completing the Memorial by Veterans Day November 2026.
  • Bloomington Remembers Veterans continues to accept memorial donations. For more information on how to participate in the Memorial, visit bloomingtonveteransmemorial.org
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Renae Clark

Nine Mile Creek Corridor Project Contact


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Contact Information

Amy Cheney

Veterans Memorial Contact