Omar Bonderud Human Rights Award
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The Omar Bonderud Human Rights Award is presented by the Human Rights Commission to an individual or organization that has made a significant contribution to ensuring the rights of people in Bloomington. Omar Bonderud was the first Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, formed in 1968.
2024 Omar Bonderud Human Rights Award recipient: Bloomington Freedom to Read
The Bloomington Freedom to Read Club was created by a group of Jefferson and Kennedy high school students to advocate for the right to access inclusive literature. They organized listening sessions, spoke at school board meetings, and shared personal stories to draw attention to the importance of inclusive representation in school libraries. The group achieved a significant victory when the School Board adopted a new gender equity policy for staff and students, and a state law was passed that strengthens protections against book bans in Minnesota libraries.

1974: Elbert Clark
Instigated hiring of minorities at Thermo King, in Bloomington, where he served as Industrial Relations Assistant.
1974: Robert Timpte
As Curriculum Coordinator for Bloomington high schools, introduced American Studies Program and Inter-Cultural History.
1975: Frances Berns
Sun-Current reporter/editor who was an activist for the rights of the disabled.
1975: David Cleary
Awarded for his work with persons who are mentally and physically disabled.
1977: Sally Bosanko
Former Human Rights Commissioner.
1977: Gail Cywinski
From Normandale Community College, organized Human Rights Day Observance.
1978: William V. Belanger, Jr.
State Senator who assisted the Commission in advocating for low and moderate income housing.
1978: Arlo Hasse
City staff member involved and committed to American Indian rights and culture.
1979: Evelyn Carter
Former Human Rights Commissioner and teacher in Bloomington schools.
1979: Donald Bartlette
City staff member coordinated the Office of Special Services. Served as a strong advocate for persons who are disabled.
1980: Patricia Helmberger
Former Human Rights Commissioner.
1980: Ellsworth Stenswick
Director of Special Education in Bloomington who worked with special needs children.
1981: Rev. Harry Stroessner
Former Human Rights Commissioner.
1983: Danny Berenberg
Owner of Lincoln Del who was recognized for his Kaiser Roll initiative and employment of persons with disabilities.
1988: Bill Kalina
Owner of Dave’s Shoe Repair and an actively involved citizen who worked towards employing persons with disabilities.
1989: Decathlon Athletic Club
Awarded for their employment training program for persons with disabilities.
1989: Mavis Klefsaas
ESL teacher in Bloomington, who was actively involved in integrating new families into our community.
1989: Hedy Bolden
Teacher in Bloomington who established a multicultural education program for the School District.
1995: Yvonne Price
Former Human Rights Commissioner who was active in helping people with disabilities find housing and employment.
1996: Eloise Kelle
Indian Mounds Elementary School teacher promoted self-esteem and respect of cultural differences in the classroom and community. Committed to establishing global human rights practices.
1997: Bloomington Airport Marriott
Accommodated, mentored and provided job training, through a Vocational Internship Program for Bloomington students.
1998: Paven Malhotra
Youth member of the Human Rights Commission used education through hate crime workshops to improve student awareness.
1999: Flora Tsukayama
Committed to community leadership, promoting diversity, volunteering and mentoring. Provides cultural exchange programs with the city of Izumi, Japan.
2000: Progressive Technologies
Offered employment to people who are developmentally disabled, focusing on their abilities and gifts.
2001: Dr. Ghafar Lakanwal
Founded Minnesota Cultural Diversity Center, that promotes multicultural understanding and inclusiveness in the workplace and community.
2002: Seagate Technology’s Diversity Action Council
Coordinated diversity training seminars, workshops and special events within the company to encourage understanding of cultures around them.
2003: The Toro Company
Promoted community projects and activities benefiting at-risk youth, elderly and civic organizations.
2004: Dinna Wade-Ardley
Diversity Coordinator for Bloomington Schools, 1995-2003. Started DDAC (District Diversity Advisory Council), 1995. Emphasized family involvement and collaboration with community agencies.
2004: Thomas Jefferson High School Diversity Committee
Made up of students, faculty and community organizations committed to an inclusive environment in which all students feel respected and valued.
2006: Larry Yazzie
International lecturer, educator, performer and world champion fancy dancer. Dedicated to understanding and promoting bridge building through traditional and cultural diversity.
2009: Oak Grove Presbyterian Church
An outstanding community organization with a long history of working with community partners to improve the lives of the diverse residents of Bloomington.
2012: Robert “Bob” Peters
Disability advocate and educator. Work includes first statewide handicapped parking legislation, accessibility design for Mall of America and patient care practices at the Courage Center and Sister Kenny Institute.
2013: Stephanie Hope Smith
Worked with the Dakota people on organization and implementation of the 2011 World Peace and Prayer Day.
2014: Frank White
Leader in Human Rights Commission activities including Dred and Harriet Scott recognition and Black History in Baseball.
2014: Cornerstone
Statewide human trafficking program entitled, “Day One,” focuses on sexual exploitation, safe harbor law and no wrong door models that protect victims of trafficking.
2015: U.S. Chief Judge Michael J. Davis and Judge Donovan Frank
Committed to equal justive through innovative programs implemented during their tenure in the U.S. Supreme Courts. Programs include the Dred and Harriet Scott, local naturalization ceremonies, Freedom Riders exhibit, and Mr. Civil Rights: Thurgood Marshall.
2016: Normandale Community College
Selected for its work in inclusion and equity. This work included the President’s Council on Diversity (PCOD) as part of the College’s Diversity and Inclusiveness Campus Series. Which increase awareness, address biases (known and unknown), and promote acceptance.
2017: Artistry
Worked to make the arts accessible to all.
2018: Dennis Kane
Former Human Rights Commissioner.
2019: John Schatzlein
Awarded for his long history of advocacy for people with disabilities at local, state and federal levels.
2020: Darringer Funches
Recognized for his work mentoring and supporting youth and his leadership on anti-racism conversations.
2020: Karam Law
Recognized for its pro bono legal services provided to immigrants in the areas of family reunification, citizenship, and equal employment opportunities.
2021: Oasis for Youth
Honored for addressing the barriers and lack of services for local youth experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness by providing employment support, rental assistance, outreach and a drop-in center.
2022: Tara Owens
Tara Owens was selected for her multiple projects on human rights, specially promoting early childhood education among immigrant families, and advocating for young children experiencing disabilities.
2023: Jessica Martinez
Jessica Martinez, an equity specialist, was selected for her work supporting youth, enhancing multicultural and interracial opportunities, and promoting the overall well-being of Bloomington Public School students.
2024: Bloomington Freedom to Read
Bloomington Freedom to Read, founded by Bloomington high school students, advocated for access to inclusive literature. Their efforts led to the adoption of a gender equity policy by the School Board and the passage of a state law that strengthens protections against book bans in Minnesota libraries.