
Prevailing wage


On June 17, 2024, the Bloomington City Council passed a local prevailing wage ordinance affecting certain city-funded construction projects. The ordinance requires that employees working on city-funded construction projects be paid wage-rates that are comparable to wages paid for similar work in the area where the project is located. This ordinance is effective as of June 27, 2024.

General info

  • The requirements of the ordinance apply to contracts that are executed once the Ordinance is effective (June 27, 2024).  
  • Prevailing wages must be paid on city funded construction projects when the estimated cost of the Project exceeds $175,000.
  • What is a “Project”?
    • PROJECT(S) means any construction work, demolition work, or repair work on any roads, bridges, sewers, streets, alleys, parks, parkways, buildings, removal of public nuisances or any other improvement of public or private property where (a) the Project is financed in whole or in part with City Funds and (b) the estimated cost of the Project exceeds $175,000.
  • Who is included in the definition of “City”?
    • CITY means the City of Bloomington, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Bloomington, and the Port Authority of the City of Bloomington
  • What is included in the definition of “City Funds”?  
    • CITY FUNDS means contract payments, grants, loans, loan guarantees, tax increment financing, tax abatements, tax credits, lease payments, loan payments, contract for deed payments, revenue from bonds, or any other financial assistance.
  • While the default prevailing wage rate is that set by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, if a project is also receiving Federal money, then the wage rate will be the higher of the two.
  • Prevailing wage may already be required for existing contracts when it has been a pass-through requirement of the funder (i.e., some federal and state construction projects).

Notice (Section 23.32(c))

Contract Requirements (Section 23.33)

  • Prevailing Wage Rates from the Minnesota Department of Labor
  • Prior to the adoption of the Ordinance, the City indicated the potential for a prevailing wage ordinance in bid documents so bidders were put on notice of the potential for a prevailing wage ordinance.

Monitoring and Compliance (Section 23.34)

  • Certified payroll records should be submitted to prevailingwage@bloomingtonmn.gov.
  • The City is in the process of implementing an online portal for the submission of payroll records.
  • The City’s Compliance Officer is Amir Malik, Compliance Manager. 


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