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Quick facts about the water park project

An Updated Vision for the Water Park

How the City is reviewing the MOA water park project

  • Hospitality and Mall of America have a significant impact on City revenues.
  • When the hospitality industry is healthy, it offsets the expenses paid by all taxpayers in Bloomington. 
  • Without lodging and admissions sales taxes, the majority of which are paid by visitors, flowing to the City’s general fund, property taxes in Bloomington would be much higher.
  • Robust entertainment amenities keep Bloomington and MOA a dynamic destination.

Tax Increment Financing or TIF can only be used for reinvestment in these MOA projects per state statute, and it is a portion of the property taxes that MOA currently pays (and water park would pay).

  • The Minnesota Legislature has passed laws for reinvestment of MOA TIF for projects such as this and only for projects like this in the South Loop District like the water park or MOA expansion.
  • The public funding being used for the water park are taxes  in the form of TIF paid by MOA and reinvested into the water park project.

About TIF:

Tax increment can be collected by a city, port authority, or housing and redevelopment authority and used to reinvest additional property taxes paid by the new project back to support that new project.

Frequently asked questions
Contact Information

Contact Information

Holly Masek

Port Authority Administrator