City offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Beekeeping and chickens



A beekeeper may not place a beehive in a front yard. A corner lot is considered to have two front yards.  A beekeeper must place a beehive closer to the primary structure on the site of the beehive than any primary structure or dwelling on an adjacent site.  A beekeeper must place a beehive at least 15 feet from any site line.  A beekeeper must place a beehive at least 25 feet from any dwelling unit on adjacent property and at least 25 feet from any public right-of-way.

In each instance where a beekeeper has an apiary and places a beehive less than 25 feet from the site line, as measured from the nearest point on the beehive to the site boundary, the beekeeper must establish and maintain a flyway barrier at least six feet in height.

An apiary is limited to the following number of beehives based on the size of the lot:

  • ½ acre or smaller = 2 beehives;
  • More than ½ acre to ¾ acre = 4 beehives;
  • More than ¾ acre to 1 acre = 6 beehives;
  • than 1 acre to 5 acres = 8 beehives; or
  • More than 5 acres = no restriction.

A beehive located on a rooftop is prohibited on a residential structure.  Beehives must not be kept inside of a dwelling or garage.
Please see City Code 12.116.01 and City Code 21.302.05 for further information.


No person shall keep on any single-family or two-family residential property more than four total hen chickens. This is in addition to the maximum of four domestic animals or pets.  Chickens are not allowed on properties with three or more dwelling units. No person shall keep roosters, or adult male chickens, on any property within the city.  Chickens over the age of four weeks shall not be kept inside of a dwelling or garage.  Chickens shall remain in either the shelter or enclosure at all times and shall not run at large.

Chickens shall be properly protected from the weather and predators in a shelter or coop, and have access to the outdoors in an enclosure or fenced area. The shelter and/or enclosure shall meet all of the following requirements:

  • Setback for shelters and enclosures for chickens is a minimum of 30 feet from the property lot line;
  • A shelter must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any dwelling on an abutting parcel;
  • The shelter shall be situated closer to the chicken owner’s dwelling than to any of the neighboring dwellings;
  • The shelter and enclosure must be located in the rear or side yard and set back at least 50 feet from any adjacent street;
  • Screening from abutting residentially used properties in the form of a solid privacy fence of at least six feet in height constructed according to the fence standards of § 21.301.08 shall be provided for the shelter and enclosure;
  • A shelter shall not exceed 120 square feet in size and shall not exceed six feet in height;
  • An enclosure or fenced area for chickens shall not exceed 20 square feet per bird and shall not exceed six feet in height and shall have protected overhead netting to prevent attracting predators and other animals running at large;
  • An enclosure or fenced area may be constructed with wood and/or woven wire materials that allow chickens to contact the ground;
  • Constructed in a workmanship-like manner to deter rodents and predators.
  • The shelter shall be winterized to protect the chickens in cold weather.

Please see City Code 12.115 and City Code 21.302.05 for further information


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