Alternative Transportation Plan
Alternative Transportation Plan Update
On November 21, 2016 the Bloomington City Council approved an update of the City's 2008 Alternative Transportation Plan (ATP). The ATP Update includes:
- Identification and prioritization of a core bicycle and pedestrian network throughout the City.
- New elements that focus on enhancement and maintenance of existing trail and sidewalk network, as well as way-finding.
- Acknowledgement of work done over the past eight years and provide direction for future implementation and maintenance efforts.
The ATP Update provides a framework for prioritization of implementation of the City’s goals to meet the needs of individuals and families living, working and recreating in Bloomington through strategic investments in multi-modal transportation features. Throughout the update process the residents have had opportunities to provide input into the plan through an online survey, stakeholder meetings and resident open houses. Click the links below to access the ATP Update:
Cover and Table of Contents.pdf -
Section 1.pdf - Planning Context -
Section 2.pdf - Vison and Values -
Section 3.pdf - ATP System -
Section 4.pdf -
Appendix A.pdf - Community Input -
Appendix B.pdf - Maintenance
Questions and comments can be directed to Randy Quale, Parks and Recreation Manager at 952-563-8876, or Amy Marohn, Civil Engineer at 952-563-4532, or via email to
Below are links to the 2008 ATP as well as other related documents.
Alternative transportation includes, but is not limited to, walking, bicycling, personal transportation assistance devices and rollerblading - and their connections with transit (LRT and bus). A comprehensive alternative transportation system provides numerous benefits to the City including:
- More trails for hikers, bicyclists and naturalists to explore and enjoy.
- Improvements to existing trails, walkways and other pedestrian-level infrastructure.
- Improved connections for residents and employees to major destinations such as schools, transit, commercial areas and parks.
- A healthier, more vibrant future for generations to come.
alttran_2008_cover.pdf -
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.– Planning Context and Framework
alttran_2008_section2.pdf – Vision and Values Statement -
alttran_2008_section3a.pdf – Alternative Transportation System Plan, Part A -
alttran_2008_section3b.pdf – Alternative Transportation System Plan, Part B -
alttran_2008_section4.pdf – Implementation and Operations
The first Hennepin County Bike Plan was produced in 1997 and provided a vision of a bike-friendly community and biking options for everyone. While updated and revised every year, the plan is undergoing an extensive revamp.
Hennepin County and Three Rivers Park District have worked together on updating a county-wide bicycle plan that reflects the growing use of cycling in the region. The Hennepin County 2040 Bicycle Transportation Plan emphasizes a safe and comfortable system that encourages "interested but concerned" bicyclists to bike for everyday trips. The draft plan would add 536 miles of bike lanes, protected bike lanes, cycle tracks, trails and shoulders to the existing 651-mile system. It reflects input gathered from more than 2,700 people, as well as cities and other stakeholders.
- Look for more news on the Hennepin County website at
- For more information about Three Rivers Park District, visit
The Bloomington City Council approved a Complete Streets policy at its February 27, 2012, meeting. The policy is designed to balance safety, mobility, efficiency and costs, and implement the right modes for the right roads.
“The goal is to develop a balanced transportation system that will enhance safety, health and livability for users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, transit users, bicyclists, commercial and emergency vehicles, freight drivers and motorists,” Bloomington City Engineer Shelly Pederson said. “We’ll do this by planning, designing, operating and maintaining a network of multi-modal streets.”
The Complete Streets policy is part of the City’s Alternative Transportation Plan to enhance the quality of life in Bloomington by promoting active lifestyles, improving safety and making strategic investments in multi-modal transportation. This includes improving the city’s walking and biking facilities, and connections between neighborhoods, businesses, transit and recreational amenities.
The Bloomington Active Living Biking and Hiking Guide is now available! The folded map-style guide provides detailed maps and information on the various on-road bikeways and off-road hiking and biking trails available in the city. State, regional, county and local facilities with city-wide significance and trails that meet design guidelines of the City are shown. Whether you're in the mood for a hike, an easy walk with the family, a leisurely bike ride, a challenging all-terrain trail, walking your dog or commuting to work on your bike, you can find a path to follow in Bloomington! Click on the link below to view the guide.
Per request from our users, we have created individual, printable documents for some of the hiking and biking trails in Bloomington to take with you more easily on the trails! Please use the legend below for all maps.
aerial_bass_ponds_inset.pdf -
aerial_bush.pdf -
aerial_girard.pdf -
aerial_hyland.pdf -
aerial_mn_river.pdf -
aerial_moir.pdf -
aerial_normandale.pdf -

The Biking and Hiking Guide is available to pick up at no charge at the Bloomington Civic Plaza. Call our Parks and Recreation staff at 952-563-8877 to verify availability of the printed piece before you visit. The costs associated with compiling and printing the 5,000 copies of the guide were covered through a State Health Improvement Program grant. There is no charge to the public for the update Biking and Hiking Guide.
Since the 2008 approval of the Alternative Transportation Plan, the City of Bloomington has undertaken efforts to implement the plan.
- Intercity Regional Trail
- Hyland Trail Project