- Benchmarks – Survey monuments map of geodetic benchmarks that refer to precisely measured elevations. Based on the NAVD 1929 datum.
- Bluff District Standard - This map allows users to identify the extents of the bluff standards for specific properties within the City of Bloomington.
- Construction projects – Choose a specific address and see what projects are underway around that neighborhood, including City infrastructure construction and permitted utility work in the rights-of-way (ROW).
- Coyote activity in Bloomington – Reported coyote sightings and known attacks on Bloomington pets.
- Crime map – RAIDS Online is a public crime map developed by Bair Analytics. Its purpose is to connect law enforcement with the community to reduce crime and improve public safety. Please review the disclaimer below before clicking on the Crime Map.
- Development map – This map shows development projects that are under review, approved, under construction, and recently completed.
- Fire hydrant map – This map shows the location of fire hydrants in Bloomington. Zoom in to see them. Help keep hydrants clear of snow to improve response times in case of fire.
- Parking restrictions map - View parking restrictions throughout the City of Bloomington in this interactive map.
- Planning interactive map – Using the controls at the bottom of the map, the user may turn on and off layers of information including:
- Airport height limits.
- Airport information zones.
- Buildings.
- Centerline.
- Council districts.
- Guide plan land use.
- Historic sites.
- Large street labels.
- Max building height.
- Municipal boundary.
- Parcels.
- Street names.
- Towers.
- Wireless antenna sites.
- Zoning areas.
- Zoning bluff contours.
- Zoning overlay districts.
- Property information – This map is maintained by Hennepin County.
- Road closures - Current road closures and detours throughout the City of Bloomington can be found here.
- Road weight restrictions (Last updated February 2025) - This is a map of the road weight limits for Bloomington. The City of Bloomington follows MnDOT's schedule for imposing and removing spring road weight limit restrictions. Additional information can be found by calling MnDOT at 651-747-2253 or by visiting the MnDOT website.
- Street sweeping progress (seasonal) – Each spring and fall, City crews get out and spiff up our roads. Check out the progress of our hard-working Public Works staff.
- Traffic – View live traffic updates via Google Maps.
- Watershed Districts - Map outlining the Watershed Districts within the City of Bloomington
- Water supply wells - Search by street address for water wells in Bloomington.
- Zoning and Guide Plan maps – Check out a parcel's land use or zoning designations. For detailed descriptions of the designations, visit Chapter 19 and Chapter 21 of the City Code.
Further assistance
If you are unable to view this section or have additional questions, the following divisions can provide information on these topics.
Engineering Division
Construction projects
City street projects, utility work in ROW
Engineering Division
Maximum building height
Planning Division
Property information
Assessor's Office
Street sweeping
Maintenance Division
Zoning and Guide Plan information
Planning Division