
Contractor licensing and testing


Contractor licensing – annual renewal

Please complete required documents and email to businesslicensing@bloomingtonmn.gov 

Payment is due at the time of application by cash or check payable to City of Bloomington:

Required documents to include with Contractor License Application:

  • Mechanical Contractor Bond on file at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI).
  • Minneapolis or St. Paul Certificate of Competency or proof of passing the City of Bloomington's mechanical test. Please verify the expiration date on each master Certificate of Competency. The type of work covered by each master competency is listed below:
    • Gas Installer Class 'A'
      Gas lines to furnaces, boilers, make-up air and rooftop units.
    • HVAC
      Warm air, ventilation, and air conditioning. Warm air competence covers ventilation and air conditioning.
    • Hot Water/Steam
      Commercial or residential boiler work.
    • Oil Burner
      Equipment with a fuel input of 1,000,000 BTU/hr or greater.
    • Refrigeration
      Commercial refrigeration only. 
  • The State of Minnesota requires that your MN Tax ID (not federal tax ID) be kept on file at the City of Bloomington. The MN Tax ID must be provided on your contractor license application prior to issuance of your license. You may register to obtain your free MN Tax ID in less than 10 minutes through the MN Department of Revenue.

Plumbing and gas 'B' license

Companies must have a valid Plumbing Contractor (PC) License on file at the MN Department of Labor & Industry along with a licensed Master Plumber of Record (PM) to perform residential or commercial plumbing work inside the structure. 

To do work involving natural gas (Class 'B' work involving gas water heaters, stoves, dryers, grills, gas fireplaces, inserts), a current Mechanical Contractor Bond must be on file at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) and must be submitted along with the Contractor License Application and the $75 license fee.

Trade testing – mechanical contractors

Trade testing allows contractors to prove competency. Contractor trade testing is administered quarterly starting at 8:00 am in the Community Development Department on the first floor at Bloomington City Hall at 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomington, MN 55431. 

Dates for 2025

  • March 21
  • June 20
  • September 19
  • December 19

If you have specific questions about test requirements, please call Building and Inspections at 952-563-8930 to speak with the mechanical inspector who conducts the testing. 

Water & utility license

A water & utility license must be obtained through The City of Bloomington Public Works in order to do outside work such as sewer work or external plumbing work from the street to the structure. Please call the Utilities Division at 952-563-8777 to obtain information about licensing and permitting.

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Trade Contractor Testing

Registration details
Select test (only one test allowed)
Please contact us at 952-563-8930 if you need the test provided in another language
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Contact Information

Contact Information

Building and Inspections Division