How can we improve your access to information on this website?
If you are having difficulty accessing material on our website or have a suggestion about how to improve our website's accessibility, please let us know so that we can try to help.
- Email or call 952-563-8819 (MN Relay 711).
- Indicate the nature of your request, concern or problem.
- Include the URL (web address) of any information you could not adequately access.
- Tell us how to contact you.
- Tell us the format you prefer for receiving your reply.
Website accessibility statement
The City of Bloomington is committed to making this website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Our goal is to provide online content and services that conform with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended by Congress in 1998 and revised in 2017.
If the City becomes aware that a piece of content on its own website does not conform with Section 508 standards, it will act with reasonable speed to update the content so that it conforms to the standards, or it will remove the nonconforming content.
Accessibility and third-party online service providers
The City of Bloomington works with third-party providers, organizations and entities ("online service providers") who provide various online functions and services on the City's behalf. These online service providers are solely responsible for the accessibility compliance of the services they provide. Online service providers are contractually required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act whenever they represent or provide functionality on behalf of the City, including their provision of online services on behalf of the City.
The City’s compliance standard for determining whether an online service provided by an online service provider is ADA-compliant is that the service must conform, at a minimum, to current Section 508 standards.
If the City’s Communications Administrator receives a notification that calls into question an online service provider's conformance to the City's accessibility compliance standard, the City will forward the notification to the online service provider for review and remediation as necessary to bring the service into compliance.
If an investigation confirms that an online service does not conform to the City's accessibility compliance standard, and if the online service provider proves unable or unwilling to remediate the nonconforming elements of the service within a reasonable time frame, the online service provider may be deemed to be in breach of contract and ineligible to continue providing online services for the City.
Website accessibility statement updates
The City reserves the right to update this accessibility statement, including the accessibility compliance standard, to provide improved accessibility, to ensure conformance with current laws and regulations, or for any other reason the City deems relevant.
The City requires that, within six months of any update to its accessibility statement, all online service providers’ online services be in full compliance with the requirements listed in the updated accessibility statement.
Conformance with Section 508 standards results in a website that is...
- The website provides text alternatives for non-text content.
- The website provides captions and other alternatives for multimedia whenever feasible.
- The website provides content that can be presented in different ways, including assistive technologies, without losing meaning.
- The website makes it easier for users to see and hear content.
- The website makes all functionality available from a keyboard.
- The website gives users enough time to read and use content.
- The website does not use content that causes seizures.
- The website helps users navigate and find content.
- The website makes text readable and understandable.
- The website makes content appear and operate in predictable ways.
- The website helps users avoid and correct mistakes.
- The website maximizes compatibility with current and future user tools.
Visit the WebAIM'website for more information about how these principles apply in website design.
Last updated
The website accessibility statement was last updated February 7, 2018.