
Budget information and outreach events

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To gather community feedback on the 2025 budget, City staff have been out and about collecting feedback at various events throughout the summer. Staff is continuing that work into fall 2024. Learn more and share your thoughts at any of these remaining events:

  • Farmer’s Market, Saturday, September 14, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Civic Plaza, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Road.

  • Bloomington Pride Festival, Sunday, September 22, 4-7  p.m., Civic Plaza.

  • Fire Station 1 open house, Saturday, October 12, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Fire Station 1, 10 W. 95th St.

The City’s 2025 budget discussions kicked off on May 16. Key considerations for the budget include costs for maintaining City services in 2025 and 2026, sources of revenue and the services, programs and investments the community wants the City to prioritize. For information about the City budget and to provide feedback, visit blm.mn/budget.

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