
Fiber optic cable installation in Bloomington

Workers installing fiber-optics

If you see non-City crews working in a right-of-way along a street near you, or in backyard drainage and utility easements, they may be installing fiber optic cable. The installation work is expected to continue for the next two to five years. 

What are fiber optics? Thin flexible fibers of glass or plastic in a cable used to transmit light signals from one end of a cable to the other. These fibers are frequently used in fiber-optic communications, where they permit transmission over longer distances and at higher bandwidths than electrical cables.

What will the cables do? Provide faster internet service to homes and businesses in Bloomington.

This is the result of a bipartisan bill passed by the federal government to accelerate access to high speed internet for all. This work is not being carried out by the City of Bloomington but the companies have obtained permits to perform this work. The City does not control the pace of the contractors.

Before starting work in a neighborhood, the companies are expected to provide customer service contact information to property owners. 

There are multiple phases for underground fiber projects. Here is a summary:

  1. Utility Locates:  Underground work requires Gopher State One flags and paint to mark utilities.
  2. Mainline Construction:  Underground pneumatic boring or drilling of the main line in the public right-of-way. This step includes installation of conduit, boxes, etc .
  3. Cable Pulling:  Fiber is pulled through the main fiber line.
  4. Restoration of the disturbed area:  Restoring concrete, asphalt, sidewalks, grass etc.
  5. Mainline splicing and auditing connections:  Splicing is the process of joining two separate fiber optic cables together.  It is then tested for its strength.
  6. Drops to home: Facilities or "drops" are buried from the mainline to the customer's home. This additional fiber will also need to be spliced and tested.
  7. Customer Connection:  Once a neighborhood is fiber-ready, customers will be contacted by the company about migrating to the new fiber internet service.  

If you have questions about the project please contact the appropriate company:

  • DirectLine/Intrepid (T-Mobile): 844-380-8090 and 612-463-2348
  • Gigapower/ITG Communications (AT&T): 1-844-331-1217 or 952-210-5097 or 1-800-910-9471
  • Lumen/CenturyLink (Quantum Fiber): 952-351-2337 or 651-343-5579. For service issues call 1-800-244-1111
  • MP Nexlevel (ISD #271): 320-963-2400
  • USI Fiber Internet: 612-444-1888
  • Xfinity: 1-800-934-6489

Door Hanger Information:

Their trucks should also be marked with company logos. If you see otherwise, or have other questions or concerns, fill out the form below to have an inspector contact you. 

Understanding rights-of-way and easements

In most Bloomington residential areas, the City controls a 60-foot-wide right-of-way, dedicated to the City through a plat or easement that may include sidewalk. Land within the right-of-way can be used for streets, sidewalks, public and private utilities, etc.  A typical street is 32-36 feet wide and is centered in the right-of-way. Approximately 10-15 feet of public right-of-way exists on either side of the street; therefore, the private property line is typically 10-15 feet behind the curb and gutter.

Utility or sidewalk easements may exist on private property adjacent to the right-of-way. Utility easements grant the rights for utilities such as gas, electric and communication lines, such as fiber optic cables, to be located on private property within the easement area.

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Engineering Division