
Keep water at bay for a happy foundation

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Minnesota, the land of 10,000-plus lakes, gets a one-two punch in the spring when rain and snowmelt add to our watery wonderland. To prevent flooding and keep homes dry, Public Works recommends:

  • Ensuring meltwater and rain runoff has a clear path to flow away from your home.

  • Using downspout extensions to direct water at least six feet from your foundation.

  • Clearing gutter downspouts of ice and organic debris to
    prevent blockages.

  • Removing snow piles near your home’s foundation to reduce
    water seepage.

  • Checking basement drains and sump pumps for proper function.

  • Keeping storm drains near your home clear of ice and debris to prevent backups.

Planning for next year is also recommended. This summer, seal foundation cracks, adjust grades to slopes away from your house and create a rain garden or swale (shallow channel) to encourage water to pool where you want it.

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