
Sidewalk Snow Removal Engagement

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 4:30–6:30 p.m.
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Public Works Department

Curbside snow blower

City staff, led by Park Maintenance, are investigating potential adjustments to sidewalk snow removal processes to better align with other City snow removal operations and to improve winter conditions for pedestrians. Currently, Park Maintenance staff clear snow from all public sidewalks and trails in Bloomington. Depending on the amount of accumulated snow, this process can take up to three days to complete. Meanwhile, street and cul-de-sac plowing is typically completed within one day.

To achieve a similar turnaround time, sidewalk plow routes would need to be shortened either by adding staff and equipment, or by enforcement of a City ordinance requiring property owners to clear sidewalks adjacent to their property. Arriving at well planned adjustment options for the sidewalk plowing operation will require significant public and internal input.

  • Join Park Maintenance at Bloomington Civic Plaza to learn more about current sidewalk snow removal operations and discuss potential adjustments to sidewalk snow removal processes.

Visit Let's Talk Bloomington to take the sidewalk snow removal survey.

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