Title Hum, Sing, or Whistle a Happy Tune at the Pond House! Date(s) Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 1–4 p.m. Contact Information Contact Information Parks and Recreation Department 952-563-8877 Email staff Share This Event Widgets Learn to play simple folk tunes like “On Top of Old Smokey,” “Danny Boy,” and “Scarborough Fair” on a kazoo or a tin whistle. Or just sing along! Early settlers in Minnesota provided their own music for entertainment. Participants can take home a kazoo or tin whistle with sheet music.No registration required. Drop in any time during the 3-hour event. blm.mn/pondhouse AddressGideon and Agnes Pond House 401 East 104th Street, Between Nicollet and Portland Avenues , Bloomington, MN 55420 Follow Bloomington Parks and Recreation on Facebook