Lyndale Avenue Retrofit

The Plan
The City Council adopted the Lyndale Avenue Retrofit Plan on April 5, 2021. The final plan and supporting materials are available below:
A Vision for Lyndale Avenue
The following vision statement was crafted to describe the desired future character and function of Lyndale Avenue:

Lyndale Avenue is one of Bloomington’s original commercial corridors, developed mostly between 1950 and 1970. It serves the entire City; but also functions as a neighborhood “main street” and front door to a variety of residents, businesses, and employers. While the corridor continues to attract activity, it is showing its age and not realizing its full potential. Revitalization is needed to better position Lyndale Avenue to respond to changing needs and ensure future economic sustainability and vitality.
The goal is to transform Lyndale Avenue into a thriving, walkable, mixed-use corridor that serves as an amenity to attract new, and retain existing, residents and businesses. This change won’t happen overnight. The plan describes actions that can be implemented in the near-term, however, transformation will take time and will be influenced by evolving market conditions.
Ultimately, success depends on the active participation of area businesses and residents in defining the future vision for Lyndale and their ongoing support for implementing the recommended strategies.
Highlights of the Lyndale Avenue Retrofit Strategy:
- Prioritize efforts around two key nodes at 86th Street and 98th Street
- Take steps to improve and expand pedestrian, bicycle, and transit options along Lyndale Avenue
- Improve the appearance and environmental sustainability of the Lyndale corridor
- Create places for people to gather and connect
- Strengthen connections between Lyndale Avenue and surrounding neighborhoods
- Preserve the unique history and character of Lyndale Avenue while fostering new opportunities and experience
Authentic public engagement has been a vital part of the process. Early in the study, area stakeholders, residents, and City officials provided input, insights, and guidance to shape the plan. Interactive workshops and events held at schools and locations around the area gave youth, business owners, and other community members a chance to offer ideas. This input helped define the vision for the future of Lyndale Avenue Corridor. More information on these engagement efforts is provided below:
Community Visioning Event – December 2019 – January 2020
Check out a video about the event here.
Community Design Workshop – March 2020
Check out a video about the event here.
Let’s Talk Bloomington – A Lyndale Avenue Retrofit project “card” was created on the City’s interactive engagement tool – Let’s Talk Bloomington. Visitors to this site were able to provide feedback on the draft vision and framework strategies via surveys and placing comments on maps. To see the comments received, click on this link:
City Council and other Public Meetings – In addition to the community events, Stantec and/or City staff provided periodic status updates to the City Council and other advisory commissions throughout the plan development process. While those meetings were open to the public, input and testimony is only taken during public hearings; which occurred on March 11 (Planning Commission) and April 5, 2021 (City Council).
In addition, a project e-subscribe list was created to allow interested members of the community to receive routine notifications of project activity and public events as well as alerts to new information posted on the project webpage.
In fall 2019, the City hired Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to work with the community to define a clear vision and specific steps the City can take to enhance the function, vitality, and appearance of Lyndale Avenue and attract reinvestment to this aging corridor. Stantec is a nationally renowned design firm with expertise in planning, engineering, architecture, transportation and mobility. Stantec has offices across the country, including Minneapolis.
It was important that the Lyndale retrofit strategy be rooted in solid economic market analysis and provide clear and realistic implementation guidance for creating economic, social, and environmental value for Lyndale Avenue and the community. To ensure these factors were considered, the Stantec team included three sub-consultants with expertise in development market analysis and dynamic public engagement. Sub-consultants to the Stantec team included:
- Sarah Woodworth – Market Analyst (W-ZHA)
- Laurie Volk – Housing Analyst (Zimmerman Volk Associates)
- Monica Sheets – Public Artist