
Bloomington named a top arts-vibrant community in the U.S.

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Bloomington, as part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro region, was recently ranked the fifth most arts-vibrant large community in the U.S. in the 2024 Arts Vibrancy Index.

Bloomington’s consistent presence in the index since its establishment in 2015 highlights the City’s dedication to developing a vibrant arts and cultural scene.

“Bloomington’s arts community continues to grow and thrive thanks to the dedication of the City and countless individuals and organizations,” said the City’s Director of Creative Placemaking Alejandra Pelinka.

Released by SMU DataArts, the National Center for Arts Research, the Arts Vibrancy Index analyzed and evaluated more than 900 communities nationwide based on arts supply, demand and government support and levels of arts activity, participation and support.

For more information, visit blm.mn/placemaking or join the conversation at letstalk.bloomingtonmn.gov/cp-plan.

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