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Creative Placemaking


Rest & Remembrance

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Bloomington Civic Plaza - East Lawn

There are enough studies that emphasize the importance of rest to promote the wellbeing and development of all living beings. In our race to the top, humans have often forgotten the idea that everything in nature requires rest to be able to bloom and blossom. Additionally, there is a need to find the space to reflect, remember and acknowledge our grief and memories together.

The event speaks to the need to rest and remember. Residents and participants are invited to bring a blanket and come take a nap on the lawn of the Bloomington Civic Center.

This follows a series of activities that encourage participation in a community survey that will be used to better serve the community in future placemaking efforts and the development of a citywide Creative Placemaking Plan.