National Night Out

National Night Out (NNO) is an annual community-building campaign that is celebrated nationwide. The campaign promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods a safer, better place to live.
National Night Out is designed to:
- Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness
- Generate support for local anti-crime efforts
- Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships
- Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back
National Night Out takes place on the first Tuesday of August each year. Police and Fire Department visits will be scheduled from 6 - 8 p.m.
The next event will be Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
Registration opens annually at the beginning of June.
Once open, registration information can be found at the top of this page.
If you do not register your party by the close of the registration period, we encourage you to still host a party, but unfortunately we will not be able to schedule a police or fire visit.
Typically there are over 325+ parties throughout the city. It's likely there is one on your block or close to you. Many National Night Organizers place a sign in their yard saying "National Night Out Event Here". If you don't see a party on your block, consider hosting one next year and joining the fun!
Maps depicting registrations received are commonly updated prior to the event.
Inform your neighborhood that an event is planned and encourage neighbors to attend. Each neighborhood can determine when and where they will meet, if food or activities will be planned and if any items are needed to be brought to the party (chairs, table, cooler...)
Party Packets are now available! They contain a National Night Out newsletter which covers many details to help you have a successful event. In addition, there are various resources and materials available for you to share with your neighbors. The chalk art content will return this year so free chalk will be available. Each neighborhood should have already received a National Night Out yard sign. There are only a limited number available and are to be fiscally responsible, please check with a past host/block captain to locate your sign before requesting another. You can pick up your party packet materials at the Bloomington police department lobby, Monday - Friday, 8am-6pm.
Caution Tape is available for your party.
Important notes on caution tape:
The caution tape is to assist you in communication and safety for your National Night Out event. It is intended to be used only on NNO and not on public streets other days of the year.
The safety tape DOES NOT provide an official closure of the street but only assist with communications for the event.
Please respect the fact that some neighbors, emergency response vehicles, or others may use the street; hence the street shouldn’t be blocked and your care in placing tables, chairs, or objects at the edge of the street or on a driveway would be appreciated.
Please adhere the caution tape to a tree, chair, cooler… with at least one moveable support.
Tape should be back 30 feet from the edge of an intersected street.
Keeping in mind, the visiting police, fire and ambulance vehicles need access to your street and party area.
- At the conclusion of your party, you are free to dispose of the tape or keep it to use again in future years.
Should there be a reason to call on this matter, the Traffic Maintenance office number is 952-563-4585.
We make every effort to have a police, fire or ambulance representative stop by your party. They will randomly attend as many parties as they are able to across the city that night. We cannot accept special request due to the high volume of parties schedule for the evening.
Chalk Art Contest! The Chalk Art Contest was a great hit in 2024 so we will be doing it again in 2025!
Let's see what your neighbors can create on National Night Out.
Prizes will be given to:
- Best Overall
- Most Creative
- Most Representative of National Night Out
Activities for children:
- Bike, scooter, stroller parade
- Face painting
- Have kids create a banner for your event
- Make a skate/bike course
- Jump rope
- Balloon toss
- Scavenger hunt
- Used toy exchange (kids bring toys to swap)
- Tug of war
- Photo booth
- Bouncy house
Activities for adults:
- History of the city trivia
- Neighborhood quizzes
- Food contest
- Crazy hat contest
- Hawaiian/beach theme
- Progressive Party
- Pet contest
- Pizza Party
- Ice Cream Social
Pinterest can be a great resource for ideas and help in planning a Block Party.
Instead of having a big meal or an over the top party, commit to 15-20 minutes to get neighbors reacquainted. If you can't make it to an event that evening, you can still participate in National Night Out by turning on your porch light and taking a moment to interact with your neighbors.
National Night Out is an excellent time to update/or obtain the contact list for your neighborhood. Having a neighborhood contact list can become very important in a moment of crisis, or when dealing with crime and safety issues that could be effecting your neighborhood. A sign-in sheet is offered for your convenience.
Neighborhood Watch contact sheet
If your neighborhood gathering will not be held on National Night Out, we still encourage you to get together with your neighbors, but a police or fire department visit will NOT be scheduled.
NNO is a rain or shine event. Regardless of the weather circumstances, NNO will still be held! We will just look for you in a garage or under a tent.
Numerous neighborhoods choose to participate in a VEAP food drive as their contributions help individuals and families in our neighborhood remain strong and stable. Items are collected at block parties and gathered items are then brought to VEAP at 9600 Aldrich Ave S. Drop-off hours are Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. PH: 952-888-9616
We'd love to see your photos! Please upload them here.
The 2023 National Night was a success for the Bloomington Police Department. Police officers and firefighters visited many of the 300+ neighborhood parties that registered.
If you still have questions, you can contact:
Katie Zerull
Crime Prevention Specialist
Bloomington Police Department