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Contact Information

Police Department


Neighborhood Watch Workshop

Saturday, February 24, 2024 - 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

At this years workshop the mayor and chief will provide opening remarks with 2 presentations to follow.  Hear how the Bloomington Police Department has a unique comprehensive training program. One of the few departments in the state with a unit dedicated to training. Hear why the Bloomington PD believes training is foundational to our service to the community.

The second presentation is full of tips and education to equip yourself to lessen your chances of falling for a scam. Sadly scams have become a part of our everyday lives. From phone calls, to text messages, to emails, to mail there is no way to avoid scammers attempting to take advantage of our finances or personal information. But, we can learn common tactics of scammers and learn tips to avoid becoming a victim.