
Temporary Pandemic Housing Permit


If you are experiencing housing instability or in need of emergency shelter please contact Hennepin County. More information about the programs and emergency assistance Hennepin County provides can be found here: https://www.hennepin.us/residents/human-services/emergency-assistance 

The Bloomington City Council unanimously adopted a resolution allowing Temporary Pandemic Housing in February 2021. This resolution allowed flexibility from the zoning code to allow service providers and qualifying partner hotels, after an approval, to provide emergency shelter services for the homeless. This temporary measure was tied to the Governor’s Emergency Executive Order 20-01. When the declaration ended the hotel and provider had up to 180 days to cease emergency shelter operations.


If you have any questions about the Temporary Pandemic Housing Permit please contact:

Michael Palermo, Planner


(952) 563-8924

Contact Information

Contact Information

Michael Palermo
