
Appealing Your Property Assessment


To begin the appeal process, follow these steps:

1. Collect facts to support your opinion

Do your own research:

  • Verify information about your property first in order to review sales of similar homes.
  • Check real estate ads to get an idea of the asking price of local properties.
  • Collect recent appraisals or recent sales of like property. (Remember to look for homes of the same style (rambler, 2 story, split entry, etc.), similar in size, age, quality, condition and location). 

It is the owner's responsibility to show clear and convincing evidence that this value is incorrect.

2. Contact the Assessor’s Office

Please contact the City of Bloomington Assessor's Office first to discuss any questions or concerns.  Often your issues can be resolved at this level.

You can contact the Assessor's Office as follows:

  • In person at Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road
  • By phone
    • Residential properties: 952-563-8724
    • Commercial, Industrial, or Apartment properties: 952-563-8723
    • Main line, other questions: 952-563-8722
  • By email

3. Appear before the The Boards of Appeal and Equalization (if issue has not been resolved)

You may appear before the Boards of Appeal and Equalization in person, through a letter, or through a representative authorized by you. You must present your case to the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization before going to the County Board of Appeal and Equalization. Formal appeals can be heard starting at 6:00pm on April 16, 2025 in the Council Chambers. Please contact the assessor's office to schedule an appointment. 

Local Board of Appeal and Equalization

If you believe your value or classification is incorrect, you may bring your case to the City of Bloomington Local Board of Equalization. The board consists of 5 members that work in the real estate field in our community. Our current members are Beth Reilly, Andrew Robinson, John Murray, Jason Oliver and Marge Bates.

County Board of Appeal and Equalization

If the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization does not resolve your concerns, you may then bring your case to the County Board of Appeal and Equalization. You must call in advance to get on the agenda. Please contact the Hennepin County Assessor's Office to get on the agenda or for more information.

To Appeal 2025 Value or Classification with Hennepin County:

  • You must have presented your case to the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (See Step 1 above) before going to the County Board of Appeal and Equalization.
  • The County Board convenes at Hennepin County Government Center, 300 South 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55487.
    • Appointments can be made by calling 612-348-7050 or emailing countyvalueappeals@hennepin.us by May 21, 2025
    • County Board of Appeals starts on June 16, 2025. 

4: Final option (if issue has not been resolved)

If the dispute still has not been resolved, you may petition the Minnesota Tax Court. You may directly go to this step without attending the local options. 

Minnesota Tax Court
25 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard, Room 245
St Paul MN 55115
PH: 651-539-3260

Small Claims Division

You may take your case directly to the Small Claims Division of Tax Court if:

  • The assessor's estimated market value of your property is less than $300,000; or
  • The entire parcel is classified as a residential homestead (1a or 1b) and the parcel contains no more than one dwelling unit; or
  • The entire parcel is classified as an agricultural homestead (2a or 1b); or
  • You are appealing the denial of a current year application for homestead classification of your property.

Regular Division

Regardless of your property type or the nature of your claim, you always have the option to file directly with the Regular Division of Tax Court.

Contact Information

Contact Information

City Assessor's Office