City offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Rental Housing Collaborative


Welcome! The BRC is a city-wide group for managers, owners and other interested persons involved with rental property. The Bloomington HRA facilitates the group with strong involvement from Bloomington Police and the City's Environmental Services Division.

All Bloomington rental housing owners, managers, and leasing agents are encouraged to participate and to attend free meetings to discuss issues and topics relevant to the rental housing industry, specifically on a local level.

Find out more about why the City of Bloomington supports the creation and preservation of affordable housing.

Upcoming meetings and events

Bloomington Rental Collaborative

Hennepin County offers grants to businesses to increase recycling

Are you a business that wants to start recycling? Maybe improve the recycling program you already have? Hennepin County is offering grants of up to $50,000 for businesses to start or improve programs to divert recyclables and organics (food and non-recyclable paper) from the trash.

Nearly two-thirds of waste created at businesses is recyclable. Having a strong recycling program conserves natural resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, can help a business’s bottom line, and demonstrates their commitment to sustainability to their customers.
Most businesses and non-profits in the county — from large office buildings to small churches, restaurants and apartment buildings — are eligible to apply. These grants can help with the purchase of containers, equipment purchase and installation, hauling service charges and minor improvements to loading docks and waste enclosures.

Hennepin County has staff available to answer questions about the grant application, review project ideas, evaluate potential costs and savings, and offer resources to start and improve recycling and organics programs. Applications are solicited three times a year. Applications are due March 15, June 15 or October 15. For more information and application materials, visit or call 612-543-1316.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

CenterPoint Energy offers LIHEAP  which can help you pay for home heating costs. Households with the lowest incomes and highest energy costs receive the greatest benefit. Funds are available for renters and homeowners.

Healthy Homes

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Housing and Redevelopment Authority