City offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Action plan brings enhancements to crosswalks

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Bloomington is a city of walkers. To meet the needs of pedestrians, the City adopted an Active Transportation Action Plan in December 2023. To advance the goals of the plan, nine crosswalks will see enhancements this year, ranging from curb bump-outs or pedestrian refuge islands to signage with pedestrian activated
flashing beacons.

Engineering is also addressing gaps in the sidewalk network. Sidewalk gaps on West 78th Street, west of Normandale, will be filled. Where sidewalks cannot be added along West Bloomington Freeway and lower Lyndale Avenue, a dedicated pedestrian lane or shared bike/pedestrian lane will be added on the roadway.

Lastly, on East 82nd Street between 12th Avenue and Old Cedar Avenue, a utility replacement project will remove much of the road surface and one of the curb lines. The new curb will be added in a location to allow for a boulevard separation between the roadway
and sidewalk.

For more information on the Active Transportation Action Plan, visit

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