


Featured Items

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency can make buildings more comfortable, safe, and healthy all while reducing your energy bills and reducing climate pollution. Energy efficiency looks like adding insulation, air sealing your home, upgrading your appliances, and can be as simple as changing out the lightbulbs or getting a thermostat you can program.

Renewable energy

Have you already done all you can do to make your home, business, or organization use less energy through energy efficiency? Below are ways that you can begin powering your home or business with clean, renewable energy.

Ecological Land Stewardship

Learn about actions you can take to protect native and endangered species, keep our waterways clean, reduce the effects of urban heat islands, and protect our food supply.

Natural resources and urban forestry

City of Bloomington Annual Tree Sale
Find out what trees are for sale each spring during the annual tree sale.

Parks and Recreation Department
Did you know that Bloomington is home to 97 parks and green spaces, miles of trails, dozens of fun, active, inclusive and engaging programs and events, and seasonal and year-round recreational facilities? Learn more by visiting the City's Parks and Recreation department page.

Solid Waste

Residential Solid Waste Program
Bloomington provides curbside collection of garbagerecyclingorganics and seasonal yard waste for single-family residential properties, which includes duplex housing and certain townhomes that have opted in to the program. 

Multifamily Recycling
If you live in an apartment, condo, or townhome, free resources and assistance are available in partnership with Hennepin County. Multifamily buildings are required to offer recycling to their tenants.


Did you know that passenger vehicles are the largest source of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions in the City of Bloomington? Learn more about transportation in Bloomington by viewing the sections below and visiting the Traffic Engineering page.


City of Bloomington Utilities Division
The Utilities Division administers water service to City of Bloomington residents. View the utilities page for access to important contacts, drought information, and more.

Water Resources
Water ties us all together. It flows through our lakes, streams, plants, animals and families. The City of Bloomington, its residents, and its visitors must work together in order to ensure water and the many ecosystems it supports stay healthy.

Lawn care tips for saving water

  • Consider setting up a smart water controller system (check your local hardware store), and only watering your grass before 11 a.m. or after 4 p.m. to avoid an estimated 50 percent water loss from evaporation. 
  • During the summertime, Twin City communities consume 3 times more water than in the winter, and irrigation makes up for more than 40 percent of that! Try harvesting rainwater with a rain barrel for gardening purposes, or replacing your water guzzling Kentucky bluegrass with fine fescue grass.
Healthy Lawn, Healthy Planet
Healthy Lawn, Healthy Planet
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