Site and Facade Improvement Program
The City of Bloomington recognizes that attractive neighborhood commercial nodes are an essential part of the community that boost the local economy and enhance the vitality of the city. The City encourages revitalization of older commercial nodes in Bloomington through architectural and site improvements focused on portions of buildings and sites that are public facing. These enhancements align with the City’s mission of cultivating an enduring and remarkable community where people want to be.
- Provide additional financing opportunities to spur investment in older commercial or mixed-use buildings and sites to improve their aesthetic appearance and support a sense of place.
- Enhance and activate the space in between commercial or mixed-use buildings and the public realm or right-of-way to create more desirable pedestrian environments.
- Provide technical assistance to property and/or business owners on improvement opportunities and methods.
- Support projects that boost the vitality of Bloomington businesses and improve local economic conditions.
- Building façade improvements such as: Residing or repainting (when permitted by the City’s Zoning Code)
- Restoration of exterior finishes and materials
- Masonry repairs and tuck pointing
- Removal of architecturally inappropriate or incompatible exterior finishes and materials.
- Restoration of architectural details or removal of materials that cover architectural details.
- Repair, replacement, or installment of windows and doors
- Window and cornice flashing and repair
- Canopy or awning installation or repair
- Parapets and cornices
- Awnings
- Steps
- Removal of barriers or new improvements for ADA accessibility to the building from outside.
- Contracted labor related to any of the above improvements, including design work for improvements that are to be completed (up to 50% of total project cost allowable).
- Signage - limited to signs mounted or installed on building facades, including wall, awning, canopy, and projecting signs (up to 25% of total project cost allowable).
- Sidewalks and pedestrian improvements
- Patios or plazas
- Lighting limited to building facades and primary entrances. Parking lot lighting is not an eligible use.
- Murals (NEWLY permitted in 2023)
- Landscaping improvements (up to 25% of total project cost allowable)
- Improvements to non-commercial buildings or non-commercial areas of mixed-use buildings.
- Improvements in progress or completed prior to the grant approval.
- Routine maintenance that is not part of an eligible façade improvement project.
- Improvements to a building interior, rear, or side not visible from a public street.
- Billboards, roof signs, freestanding signs, or temporary signs.
- Dynamic display or electronic message signs.
- Roofing
- Mechanical and HVAC systems
- Interior work
- New construction
- Interior window displays
- Security systems (including metal roll-down gates, window bars, cameras)
- Trash and mechanical enclosures
- Fencing (excluding decorative fencing as part of a landscape improvement)
- Any work or improvement to parking areas
- Purchase or lease of real property
- Purchase or rental of tools or equipment, or for labor performed by the building or business owner, family members, employees, or any other person with a financial interest in the property or business
- The business must be located within the City of Bloomington. Preference given to businesses within targeted commercial nodes of American and Portland, American and Nicollet, Old Shakopee and Nicollet, Old Cedar and Old Shakopee, Countryside Center, 90th and Penn, Amsden Ridge Center, and central Lyndale Avenue.
- The business owner may only apply for one business within the same fiscal year.
- Must be the property/building owner, or the business owner/tenant if the property/building owner provides authorization through notarized signature.
- Preference given to buildings located on a property zoned B-2 or B-4, however a property located in another zoning district will be considered when the property has high visibility to pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic.
- Must be used for a commercial building; mixed-use buildings are eligible for the commercial part of the building only.
- Be a legal entity in good standing, permitted to do business in Minnesota.
- Be in compliance with city ordinances, policies, regulations, and licensing and have no unpaid tax bills or charges due to the City. If the property or business is not in compliance, correction of any outstanding issues or orders of noncompliance must be incorporated into the broader project.
- Grants will pay for 50% of total project costs, minimum of $5,000, up to a maximum of $24,999 per property (total project cost of $10,000-$50,000).
- Grant funds must be matched 1:1 with private funds.
- Expenditures are reimbursable; grant monies will be paid after the following: Submission of verified receipts for materials, supplies, and labor (where appropriate).
- Receipt of mechanic’s lien waivers from contractor and subcontractor(s).
- Final inspection and approval of completed project by the Building and Inspections Division.
- If qualified to do so, selected applicants may perform the work on their own; however, grant funds cannot be used to pay for tools and/or equipment purchase or rental, or for labor provided by friends, relatives, or anyone with a financial interest in the business or building. Permit requirements still need to be met.
- Project must be completed within twelve (12) months of Program approval date unless a change order is requested and approved by the City.
- Funds for this Program are limited and shall be awarded to qualifying applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Property/building owner, or the business owner/tenant may only apply once per calendar year.
- Approvals are granted through the Port Authority for disbursements and reporting purposes.
- All work must be done in accordance with all local, state, and federal building codes, Bloomington’s Zoning Code, and the rules and regulations for the Site and Façade Improvement Program.
- The City reserves the right to determine and limit the number of monies granted to any one applicant, allowing for the maximum utilization and benefit of the monies. Nothing herein shall imply or suggest that the City is under any obligation to provide incentives to any property/building owner, or the business owner/tenant.
- The City can deviate from this policy for projects that supersede the objectives identified herein.
The City of Bloomington requires zoning approval and building permits for some of the eligible improvements listed. A pre-application meeting or contact with Planning and Building staff must occur prior to application submittal to understand the approval and permitting processes.
For questions on zoning requirements, please call (952) 563-8920 or email For permit requirements, please call (952) 563-8930, or email
- Applicants are required to meet or correspond with staff from the City’s Planning Division and Building and Inspections Division to confirm general compliance with zoning and building requirements prior to application submittal.
- Online application submittal requirements include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Application form – The form must include the project address, business of record, and must be signed by the applicant and property owner of record.
- Project description – A general description of the project, including confirmation of project eligibility.
- Plans – Scalable site and/or architectural plans that accurately represent the full scope of improvements associated with the subject application. Photography of the site or building that may help explain the project scope is encouraged.
- Project budget – A project budget must be provided detailing the total project costs and the cost of all the eligible activities, verified by professional estimate(s), and the grant request amount.
- Project timeline – A schedule of project construction activities leading up to project completion must be provided.
- Applications that are complete and compliant with all the eligibility and procedural rules found herein will be approved by Port Authority staff, depending on the availability of project funding.
- Applications will be reviewed and processed as received on a first-come, first-served basis until the amount of budgeted funds for the year are exhausted.
- The applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary zoning approvals and building permits necessary for the project prior to construction.
Please take notice that any data received by the City as the result of submitting this form will be classified as government data pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13. Under the Data Practices Act, some or all of this data is classified as public data, including your name, address, email address, phone number, and other personal information provided by you. Public data is available to anyone requesting it and consists of all data furnished via this Web form. Please be advised that the correspondence will be added to the public record. The purpose and intended use of the information collected through this form is to obtain public input and data in support of City activities and services. You have the right to refuse to submit this form. If you choose not to submit this form, you will need to contact the City by another means if you wish to provide the information collected by the form.
The City of Bloomington does not discriminate against or deny the benefits of its services, programs, or activities to a qualified person because of a disability. To make a request for a reasonable accommodation, ask for more information, or to file a complaint, contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Division, City of Bloomington, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, MN 55431- 3027; 952-563-8733, MN Relay 711.