
Free artist workbooks available

Springboard for the Arts Workbook Images

City of Bloomington Creative Placemaking in partnership with Artistry would like to expand the capacity of local artists by providing Bloomington artists and culture bearers with free printed workbooks: Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists curriculum and the Handbook for Artists Working in Community by Springboard for the Arts.

These workbooks provide core business skills to artists in all disciplines and guidance on extending your artistic practice to work in and with the community. Learn more about the workbooks.

A limited number of workbooks are available. This offer will be first come, first served. If there is a high demand, we will consider offering again in the future. These free workbooks are available to Bloomington residents only.

Please fill out the form below. We will mail the workbook(s) to you. You may be contacted in the future to help us understand how helpful the workbooks were to you.

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Artist workbooks sign-up form

Tennessen Warning
Please take notice that any data received by the City as the result of submitting this form will be classified as government data pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13 (MGDPA). Under the MGDPA, all of this data is classified as public data, including your name, address, email address (if you choose to provide it), and phone number (if you choose to provide it).  This public data will be used to compile the workbook and will be published in that workbook and available to the general public.  If you fail to provide this public data or otherwise limit the data you provide the City will only be able to publish the data you provide the City on this form. Your race and ethnicity data is optional and public and will not be affirmatively published by the City except in an aggregated summary format.  Providing race and ethnicity data is used for statistical purposes and will only be made available to the city’s racial equity coordinator and the creative placemaking director; however the data could be requested by the general public pursuant to the MGDPA.

The purpose and intended use of the information collected through this form is to obtain public input and data in support of City activities and services. You have the right to refuse to submit this form. If you choose not to submit this form, you will need to contact the City by another means if you wish to provide the information collected by the form.

ADA Statement
The City of Bloomington does not discriminate against a qualified person with a disability or exclude or deny the benefits of its services, programs, or activities to a qualified person because of a disability. The City will provide a reasonable accommodation or modify its policies and programs to allow people with disabilities to participate in all City services, programs, or activities.

La Ciudad de Bloomington no discrimina por discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso, el trato, ni el empleo, en sus servicios, programas o actividades. Previa solicitud, se proporcionarán facilidades para permitir a las personas con discapacidades participar en todos los servicios, programas y actividades de la Ciudad de Bloomington. Previa solicitud, esta información estará disponible en Braille, letra grande, cinta de audio y/o formato electrónico.

Magaalada Bloomington iyadoo ku saleysanysa naafonimo cidna kuma takoorayso helidda ama oggolaanshaha, ama ku daaweynta ama ka shaqeynta, adeegyadeeda, barnaamijyadeeda, ama waxqabadyadeeda. Haddii la codsado, degaan ayaa la bixinayaa si loogu oggolaado shaqsiyaadka leh naafonimo si ay uga qaybqaataan dhammaan adeegyada, barnaamijyada, iyo waxqabadyada ka jira Magaalada Bloomington. Haddii la codsado, xogtan waxaa loo heli karaa ayadoo farta ay indhooleyaasha akhrin karaan ah, daabacaad wayn, cajalad maqal iyo/ama qaab elektiroonik ah.

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Creative Placemaking