
The evolution of the HRA

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The Bloomington Housing and Redevelopment Authority provides affordable housing opportunities for those who are not adequately served by the marketplace, coordinates the City’s efforts to preserve existing neighborhoods and promotes development and redevelopment that enhances Bloomington.

The HRA performed an assessment of its work in 2022. As a result, it is focusing on policies, programs and services along the entire housing continuum, from emergency shelters on one end all the way to homeownership on the other. Read about some of the services and programs the HRA provides to help renters, homeowners and homebuyers in this two-page spread. For more information about the resources HRA provides visit blm.mn/hraresources. Questions about HRA? Email hra@BloomingtonMN.gov or call 952-563-8937.

Housing instability

The Bloomington State of Homelessness Study was completed in 2023 with the primary goal of understanding existing gaps and possible duplications of service in the overall social safety net, as well as the respective goals of local stakeholders.  Bloomington is the fourth largest city and the seventh fastest growing city in the state. It requires its own infrastructure of services and programs. The city is part of the Hennepin County Continuum of Care, which supports coordination of the countywide effort to prevent and end homelessness, including overflow family shelter operations.

Hennepin County Continuum of Care is a regional planning body that coordinates federal funding for housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Communities receive CoC funding primarily through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD identifies four necessary parts of a continuum: outreach, intake and assessment; emergency shelter; transitional housing; and permanent supportive housing. To learn more visit hennepin.us/headinghomehennepin.

Reframing housing choice vouchers

As Bloomington’s population grows, the HRA’s Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program is expanding in 2024 to accommodate new housing opportunities. This expansion will provide existing program participants who purchase homes the option to use their current assistance towards mortgage payments, enhance program outcomes, increase property owner participation, provide more participant clarity and streamline requirements.

The program embraces population-specific vouchers to address underrepresented groups. The HRA currently administers Foster Youth to Independence vouchers and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing vouchers. The HRA aims to align future vouchers with Bloomington’s housing needs, as identified in the City’s comprehensive plan.

These vouchers will be integrated into many new developments. For example, the future development at 700 American Boulevard involves project-based vouchers, ensuring targeted support for seniors within designated units, reflecting a commitment to inclusive and accessible housing initiatives.

Pathways to homeownership and Homestretch courses

The goal for homeownership programming is to provide education and services that allow access to homeownership in Bloomington. For example, the Rental Homes for Future Homebuyers program provides a five-year track for qualified households to rent a home, owned by the HRA, and escrow a portion of their rent to be used as a down payment in the future purchase of a home. Visit blm.mn/rentalhomes to learn more and apply.

The HRA also partners with Project for Pride in Living to provide homeownership and Homestretch courses. Learn more at blm.mn/journey.

“There is a specific focus on closing the racial disparity gap in homeownership in Bloomington, at last reporting the Bloomington gap between households of color and white households is worse than the state and national averages,” Assistant HRA Administrator Anna Salvador said.

Housing and Environmental Loan Program

Housing and Environmental Loan Program (HELP) provides Bloomington owner-occupied households the ability to access forgivable loan funds to be used for emergency repairs without completing a full-scale rehabilitation project and signing a long-term repayment agreement. Visit blm.mn/loans for requirements and more information.

Home Improvement Loans

The Home Improvement Loan program provides Bloomington owner-occupied households the ability to access funds to maintain, repair and improve their homes. Loans are available in amounts up to $60,000, including accessibility improvements and eligible home repairs that address health or safety requirements including electrical, heating, plumbing, energy efficiency and exterior improvements completed by licensed contractors. Homeowners do not have to repay the loan until they sell or transfer title, or until the property is no longer their principal place of residence. Learn more at blm.mn/loans.

New multifamily housing and the Opportunity Housing Ordinance

In 2019 the City Council approved the Opportunity Housing Ordinance focused on providing new affordable housing and preserving existing affordable housing in Bloomington. There are 516 units currently under construction and 935 units in the development pipeline. Nearly 600 of the units in the development pipeline are expected to start construction in 2024. Out of the 516 units currently under construction, 89 are affordable. Three hundred and forty-seven of the 935 units in the pipeline are affordable. Take a look at some developments now under construction or soon to begin construction.

Oxboro Heights

Oxboro Heights is a $38.1 million apartment development at 600 W. 93rd St. It will provide nine units affordable to households earning 30% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or less, 23 units affordable at 50% AMI, and 43 units affordable at 60% AMI. The remaining 50 units of the 125-unit development will be affordable at 70% AMI. Construction is likely to be complete in April.

Noble Apartments

Noble Apartments is a $43.7 million mixed-income development, at 8200 Humboldt Ave. S. Of the 149 units, 14 will be affordable to households earning 50% of the area median income or less and 135 units will have market rate rents. The development has started pre-leasing and the building is expected to open in March.

700 American Boulevard

700 American Boulevard is a $40.2 million housing development for residents 55 years of age and older. This development will feature at least 104 units affordable at 50% AMI and 16 units affordable at 60% AMI. The HRA is also looking to support eight units that are affordable at 30% AMI through the assistance of project-based vouchers from the Housing Choice Voucher program. Construction may begin mid-2024.

Did you know?

Through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) programs, services and coordination are offered to meet the needs of residents along the housing continuum. This includes people experiencing homelessness, housing stability, housing creation and housing preservation. The HRA achieves this through federal funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, state funding from Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, regional funding, on a per project basis, from the Metropolitan Council and local funding through Hennepin County HRA Tax levy. The Bloomington Affordable Homeownership program is funded through Minnesota Housing Finance Agency.

Attend the Bloomington Home Fair

Check out the Bloomington Home Fair Saturday, April 20, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., at Valley View Middle School, 8900 Portland Ave. The event will connect the community with housing resources, promote homeownership and financial wellness, connect potential homebuyers with industry professionals and create a space for community engagement. The fair is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all attendees, whether they are a first-time homebuyer, a renter looking to transition into homeownership or simply interested in resources to promote financial wellness. Visit blm.mn/homefair for more information.

New HRA program to reduce barriers to homeownership

Last December, the Minnesota Housing Board of Directors granted the Bloomington Housing and Redevelopment Authority $3,199,500 to build 27 new single-family homes. This effort is part of the HRA’s new Bloomington Affordable Homeownership program.

The program will serve households at or below 80% of the area median income by providing a $118,500 gap subsidy to lower the cost of each of the 27 homes. It will also preserve long-term affordability with deed restrictions for owner occupancy and resale restriction for a minimum of 15 years.

“This is the first program of its kind for the HRA. Housing is a primary wealth-building tool. Through this program, the HRA hopes to lower the cost barrier for homebuyers and create and preserve affordable housing,” HRA Administrator Aarica Coleman said.

All 27 homes built through the Bloomington Affordable Homeownership program will also provide opportunities to small and emerging developers that have been historically underused and/or underrepresented for the development and construction of the homes. Learn more at blm.mn/bah.

A Brush with Kindness

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s A Brush with Kindness program offers weatherization assistance, energy-efficiency upgrades, resources for aging homeowners and more in the seven-county metro area. The program is also accepting applications to help homeowners address critical tree care needs, including trees affected by Emerald Ash Borer, for a limited time. Learn more at home.tchabitat.org/home-repair.

Home Energy Squad

The City partners with the Center for Energy and Environment to help residents save energy and money on utility bills through Home Energy Squad Enhanced visits.  The City buys down the cost of the visit to $50 for residents. Visit blm.mn/hes for more information.

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Housing and Redevelopment Authority