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Bloomington Briefing

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Housing and Redevelopment Authority


Begin the journey of homeownership

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The City of Bloomington recognizes that homeownership is key to generational wealth. The City is also committed to equity in home ownership and shares resources for current and first-generation homebuyers. Here are some places to begin.

New homebuyer and current homeowner assistance

Minnesota Homeownership Center

This organization provides free services and other resources to help buy a home or prevent foreclosure. Learn more at

Hennepin County HRA Homebuyer Assistance Program

The Homebuyer Assistance Program provides Hennepin County homebuyers with up to $30,000 in assistance. Learn more at

First generation-focused new homebuyer programs

Forgivable First Generation Homebuyers Community Down Payment Assistance Fund

Recipients can get forgivable assistance up to 10 percent of a home’s purchase price. Learn more at

Minnesota Housing’s First-Generation Homebuyer Loan Program

This program provides a deferred, interest-free and forgivable loan. Learn more at

First-generation homebuyers are the first in their family (including their parents or legal guardians) to own a home or to have lost a home due to foreclosure. You may still be eligible for loan programs even if you do not know this information.