We are taking applications at this time. We currently have three active waiting lists, including the 2014 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list, the 2018 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list, and the 2018 three-bedroom Project Based Voucher waiting list. There are approximately 1,800 total applicants on these waiting lists.
An applicant may check their status on the lists by visiting waitlistcheck.com. It can take anywhere from 1-10 years to make it to the top of the list. We do not give out positions or rankings, but if an applicant lives, works or goes to school in Bloomington, they qualify for a local residency preference which places them higher on the list.
If you are an applicant, please be sure to inform us of any changes in your address because we send update applications out annually and make sure we have up to date information. If we are unable to reach you due to wrong/old addresses you will be removed from the waitlist.
You can send an address change to us by mail, fax, or email to HRAwaitinglist@BloomingtonMN.gov or directly from the waitlistcheck.com website as you are checking your status you can click on the button that says "send email."