City offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Bloomington Opportunity Housing Incentives and Tools for Developers


Opportunity Housing Ordinance

The Opportunity Housing Ordinance (full ordinance found here) requires developers of new housing and substantial housing rehabilitation projects to provide a minimum number of affordable units. The ordinance is comprehensive in scope and helps increase the supply of affordable housing units throughout the city. 

The ordinance provides several flexibility measures to incentivize more affordable units, such as:

  • Density bonuses
  • Housing tax increment financing (TIF)
  • Expedited reviews

A full list of available incentives is found in the ordinance starting in § 9.15.

A summary of incentives can be found in the OHO Incentives Summary Handout here: 

If you are interested in utilizing Housing TIF please review the TIF Policy here: 

If you are interested in utilizing the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) please review the AHTF Manual here: 

Process Overview

OHO Process Overview

Affordable Housing Plan

Residential developments of 20 units or more must submit an Affordable Housing Plan to the City of Bloomington as a part of the application for a final site and building plan, a final development plan or for NOAH preservation. An Affordable Housing Plan is not required for a development in which the affordable housing obligation is satisfied by a payment in lieu. 

Developers are encouraged to discuss projects with the HRA and the Planning Division.  

Affordable Rent and Income Limits 

Rents that are affordable are based upon the Minneapolis-St. Paul- Bloomington Area Median Income. Rent limits are calculated annually by US Department of Housing and Urban Development by household size and income. The current rent limits can be found on the Metropolitan Council website here: 

Contact Information

Contact Information

Opportunity Housing