
Dwan - Titleist Golf Ball Promotion



Buy 3 dozen Titleist golf balls and get 1 dozen FREE

Dwan Logo 2020
  • Limit one order (total of 4 dozen golf balls) per customer.
  • Orders may take 4 - 6 weeks to ship.
  • Orders must be received by March 31, 2025.
    • Available while supplies last. Supplies may run out prior to deadline.

Follow these steps when you complete the form below to submit your request to Dwan Golf Course. 

Step 1: Choose one of eight ball types
Step 2: Decide if you want personalization. 
Step 3: If you chose to personalize, select imprint color and provide up to three lines of text. 
Step 4: For non-enhanced Pro V1 and Pro V1x, choose standard ball numbering or a special play number. 
Step 5: Enter contact information. 
Step 6: Click "submit" button
Step 7: Call Scott at 952-563-4509 to confirm and pay for order.


  • All balls shipped to address listed on form.
  • All AVX, Left Dash and Enhanced Alignment balls are only available in # 1-4.
  • All four dozen must be the same ball type, personalization, imprint and ink color.
  • Single marks of punctuation, including periods, commas, asterisks and pound/hashtag signs are not allowed.
  • Titleist may not accept imprints that are deemed offensive or inappropriate in nature.
  • Be sure to call Scott at 952-563-4509 after submitting the form to confirm order and complete payment.  


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Choose Ball Type (select one. price includes tax & shipping)
Do you want to add personalization to your golf balls?
Personalization: Imprint Color (For personalization orders, select text color.)
For Personalization orders only, please provide up to three lines of imprint text. Limit 17 characters per line (including spaces).
All 48 golf balls will have same number. Special play numbers only available on standard Pro V1 and Pro V1x without enhanced alignment. Enhanced alignment balls only available in #1-4. 
Contact Information
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Contact Information

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Golf Courses