
Meet Firefighter Brad Beuscher

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Brad Beuscher joined the Bloomington Fire Department in April 2024 ready for action.

He completed Fire 1, Fire 2 and EMT certifications in Wisconsin. Then, in 2006, began working for the city of Maple Grove. In 2009, he moved to Chippewa Fire District to complete paramedic certification. Afterward he worked a year as a full-time paramedic firefighter in Red Wing, six years at Eau Claire Fire and another six years at White Bear Lake Fire.

Beuscher was introduced to fire service as a child when a fort he built with a blanket and a lamp caused a fire. The fire left his family without a home for six months.

“Having experienced this set the stage for my career,” Beuscher said. “And this is the best job in the world!”

Beuscher’s work can take him away from home for long stretches. He is grateful to his wife, Kristin Beuscher, their two children, Jacob and Grace, and their dogs, Libby Lou and Bentley, for being so understanding.

Away from work, Beuscher enjoys time with his family and fishing, especially ice and musky fishing. They also like to travel. Some of their favorite destinations include Cape Cod, Maui and Florida.

Beuscher’s Fire Safety Advice

Have fire extinguishers near exits of your home and a meeting spot for your family if your house starts on fire. One of the first questions we ask when responding to a fire is “Is everyone out?”

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