
Notice of Public Hearing for Right of Way code updates

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bloomington City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday March 31, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, Minnesota, 55431, or by electronic means as provided by State law, to consider an Ordinance amending Chapter 17 and Appendix A of the City Code related to right of way permitting and management requirements and fee schedule.

How you can participate in the City Council Meeting

To watch the meeting

To provide public testimony on public hearing items

  • Attend in person; or
  • Speak by phone during a public hearing by dialing 1-415-655-0001.  Enter access code TBD # and password 033125#Press *3 to "raise your hand" to indicate a desire to speak; your line will remain muted until it is your turn. When it is your turn to speak, the Council Secretary will call on you by the first six digits of your phone number and will unmute your line. Listen for notification that your line has been unmuted before speaking.
  • Offer testimony in advance of the meeting by leaving a voicemail at 952-563-4695 or emailing councilsecretary@bloomingtonmn.gov no later than 2 p.m. on the meeting date. Include the item number and title listed on the agenda. Include your name, phone number, and address when leaving a voicemail or email. Please indicate if you also plan to attend in person or call in during the meeting to provide live testimony.

Meeting agenda and documents are available at blm.mn/meetings.

Further information

A full copy of the proposed ordinance is available online at http://blm.mn/notices or for review during regular business hours in the City Clerk’s Office at the Bloomington Civic Plaza, at the address listed above. For more information or to submit comments prior to the public hearing, contact Brian Hansen, Development Coordinator, (952) 563-4543 and bhansen@bloomngtonmn.gov.

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Engineering Division