
Early Childhood Expo

Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Contact Information

Contact Information

Community Outreach and Engagement Division


This FREE, fun and resource-packed event is designed to support families with children aged 5 and under. From health services to early learning programs, the expo brings together an array of exhibitors, including Hennepin Health, Public Health, and Early Learning Services, to provide caregivers with the tools they need to nurture their little ones. 


But that’s not all! This year’s expo features:

  • Interactive breakout sessions offering expert tips for parents and caregivers.
  • A Baby Gear Swap where you can find new treasures for kids 2 years and younger.
  • A lively performance by Tricia and the Toonies to keep kids entertained.
  • Hands-on arts and crafts activities and a soothing sensory room.

Don’t miss out on the chance to win exciting door prizes and enjoy free food (while supplies last).

Whether you're looking for educational resources, health information, or simply a day of family fun, the Early Childhood Expo is your one-stop destination. Join us in building a strong foundation for your child’s future. 

For more information, contact Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator Amanda Crombie at acrombie@bloomingtonmn.gov.



  • Check-in Tables for info, lunch tickets, prize drawing tickets
  • Exhibitor Tables in the Lobby
  • Baby Gear Swap in the Black Box Theater
  • The Sensory Room in the Art Space upstairs
11:15am-2:00pmBreakout Sessions
11:00-11:20am &
Bluegrass Band: Luke Warm and the Cool Hands
11:30am-12:30pmThe Toonies ENVIRO Family-Fun Show


  • The First Forty Days: Supporting Minnesota’s immigrant parents during the postpartum period. 

    Dakota Conference Room
    Explore how The 40-Day Project supports Somali and Latinx mothers in Minnesota through culturally rooted, trauma-informed postpartum care. Learn how this initiative fosters mental health, self-care, and community while honoring traditional practices. Join us to reimagine postpartum support for immigrant families!

    Cari Michaels, MPH, is an Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota's Department of Family, Health & Wellbeing. For over 25 years, she has collaborated with campus and community leaders to develop research-based programs focused on early childhood, parenting, and mental well-being, helping to address complex social issues and strengthen families.
    Belkis Santiago Martinez, Msc, LND, is an Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota's Health & Nutrition program. She holds a bachelor's in Nutrition and Dietetics from Universidad de Atlántico (Colombia) and a master’s in Food Science from the University of Puerto Rico. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Nutrition at the University of Minnesota, Belkis is also certified in weight control, physical activity, and food safety. With extensive experience in community nutrition programs like WIC and Head Start, she is dedicated to improving community health and connecting people with essential resources.

  • Choosing Baby Gear: Containers, High Chairs and Shoes, Oh My!

    Council Chambers
    Learn about necessary and unnecessary baby gear from boppy pillows to shoes from birth to toddler years. Discuss the best options for what you need, the benefits, and safety considerations.

    Cassie Friedli, PT, DPT is the lead pediatric physical therapist with Family Achievement Center. Cassie received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth MN. Cassie has been a physical therapist for 10 years. Trista loves to educate parents and caregivers on development so that they can also feel empowered to help their children succeed.

  • Surf & Turf Safety: Tips to stay safe in the water & on land

    Rehearsal Hall
    This interactive safety session is designed to equip participants with essential lifesaving skills, focusing on water safety and drowning prevention, choking response, and basic CPR and infant first aid. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, teacher, or simply want to be prepared in an emergency, this session will provide practical knowledge and hands-on techniques to help protect lives.

    This session is presented by certified American Red Cross Instructors and Instructor Trainers from the Bloomington Family Aquatic Center proficient in the following training and courses: Infant, Child, Adult CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers (CPRO), Lifeguarding, First Aid, Babysitting, Bloodborne Pathogens, & Oxygen Administration.


  • Healthy Habits, Happy Teeth: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Smiles 

    Dakota Conference Room
    A healthy smile starts with everyday habits! Join us for a fun and informative session on essential dental care, why baby and adult teeth matter, and easy tips to prevent common issues. Plus, discover how Children's Dental Services can support your family with valuable resources.

    Pat Claudio, a biologist-turned-public health advocate, is dedicated to making dental care and education accessible. As a Public Health Assistant at Children's Dental Services, she bridges gaps in information and access for underserved communities, using her research background to promote oral health through evidence-based outreach.

  • If I Knew Then What I Know Now

    Council Chambers
    Hear from a panel of parents of children with disabilities from diverse communities about their early childhood experiences: what worked, what didn't, and what resources they wished they knew about earlier. Parents of children with disabilities will share lessons they've learned about how to support their children, how to collaborate with schools, and the connections they've made that resulted in a better quality of life for their children and families. 

    The Multicultural Autism Action Network (MAAN)—meaning "mind" in Somali—is a nonprofit founded by parents of children with disabilities from multicultural communities. MAAN helps families navigate disability support services, from educational assistance to home and community-based programs like grants, waivers, and PCA services.

  • Formación en RCP y DEA infantil en español

    En Rehearsal Hall
    Aprenda las técnicas básicas de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP), así como el funcionamiento de un desfibrilador externo automático (DEA) y qué hacer si su hijo o bebé se está atragantando. Prácticas con muñecos de tamaño infantile.

    Información sobre el presentador:
    Hola! Mi nombre es Airam Olvera soy Mexicana hace más de 23 años que llegue a Minnesota, en Minnesota tengo a mis 4 hijos y a mi esposo, trabajo desde hace mas de 11 años como educadora, y 7 años como instructora de Primeros Auxilios certificada por la Cruz Roja (The American Red Cross) mis pasatiempo favorito es pasar tiempo de calidad con mi familia e ir de compras.


  • Somali Parenting in the United States 

    Dakota Conference Room
    Participate in a discussion about parenting from the Somali cultural perspective. Learn about brain development, early childhood parenting, and how to support your child’s learning. Learn practical guidance about helping your child and why early years are essential. This presentation will be in both Somali and English.

    Ruqia Abdi is an author, educator, and cultural consultant dedicated to supporting immigrant and refugee families. Author of Better Parenting: A Guide for Somali Parents in the Diaspora, she blends expertise in Islamic studies, child development, and psychology to empower parents. Ruqia collaborates with schools, libraries, and organizations to create safe, supportive spaces for youth and families. As a wife and mother of three, she combines professional knowledge with personal experience to inspire families to thrive.

  • Low-Waste Parenting 101 

    Council Chambers
    From diapers to constantly outgrown toys, raising children is expensive. Low-waste solutions can help! In a discussion guided by an environmental educator, learn from the Minnesota Toy Library and Minnesota Cloth Diaper Bank about how their organizations are making low-waste living accessible and easy.

    Rebecca Nutter is the Executive Director and one of the founders of the Minnesota Toy Library. She is passionate about all things related to child development and creating toy library spaces for children to explore materials for play time. In her spare time she enjoys gardening, fostering dogs, and spending time with her husband and three girls.
    Danielle Claseman is a board member of the Minnesota Cloth Diaper Bank. Danielle is passionate about social equity, environmental sustainability, and climate justice. She is committed to helping families live healthy lives and supporting future generations while living conscientiously. She is also the proud mama of two. The Minnesota Cloth Diaper Bank is working to make cloth diapering accessible, affordable, and achievable for all Minnesota families.
    Panel facilitator: Alisa Reckinger, Environmental Education and Communications Supervisor, Hennepin County Environment & Energy

  • Alimentación Saludable/Healthy Eating 

    Rehearsal Hall | Presented in Spanish. English interpreter available.
    ¡Descubre formas divertidas y prácticas de ayudar a tus pequeños a disfrutar más frutas y verduras! Este taller compartirá consejos para reducir la selectividad, aumentar las porciones de alimentos saludables en casa y fomentar la confianza al probar nuevos sabores. ¡Hagamos que comer saludable sea fácil y agradable para toda la familia!
    Discover fun and practical ways to help your little ones enjoy more fruits and veggies! This workshop will share tips for reducing pickiness, increasing servings of healthy foods at home, and building confidence with new flavors. Let’s make healthy eating easy and enjoyable for the whole family!

    Biografía del Presentador:
    Patricia Mendoza, miembro de La RED Latina de Educación Temprana, es una proveedora de cuidado infantil para Familiares, Amigos y Vecinos, apasionada por enseñar a los niños hábitos alimenticios saludables. Ha completado la capacitación aprobada por el Departamento de Salud de Minnesota sobre el curso de cuidado infantil Aprendiendo Sobre Nutrición a través de Actividades (LANA).
    Patricia Mendoza, a member of La RED Latina de Educación Temprana, is a Family, Friends, and Neighbors childcare provider passionate about teaching kids healthy eating habits. She has completed the training on the Minnesota Department of Health approved childcare course, Learning About Nutrition through Activities (LANA). 


    Stop by the Black Box Theater in Civic Plaza to swap clean, gently used items for babies 2 years and younger. You do not have to bring a donation to take items home, and all items are free.


    Accepted Items:

  • Must be gently used or like new items intended for babies (0-24 months)
  • Wraps and carriers: strollers, swaddles, slings (no car seats)
  • Toys: sensory and learning toys, books, bath toys, attachments for strollers and carriers
  • Engagement: activity centers, play yards, walkers, swings, bouncers
  • Miscellaneous items: high chairs, booster chairs, diaper bags, other small and gently used items
    Note: Items at the swap are provided "as is" with no guarantee of the condition or working order.

    Please do not bring:
  • Car seats
  • Clothes
  • Large furniture (i.e.: cribs, pack & plays, changing tables)
  • Baby feeding items
  • Large toy and play structures that require assembly
  • Stuffed animals
  • Toys for children 2 years and up
  • Broken or recalled products

Partnerships: City of Bloomington Community Outreach and Engagement Division, Public Health, Sustainability, Bloomington Public Schools’ Early Learning Services, Bloomington Early Learning Advisory Council and Hennepin Health.