
Construction Complaints


Which agency should I contact?

MnDOT is responsible for construction on I-35W, Hwy 77/Cedar Avenue, I-494 and TH 169. Use MnDOT's online comment form to register a complaint or call them at 651-296-3000.

Hennepin County is responsible for construction on all of Old Shakopee Road as well as parts of the following roads (north of Old Shakopee Road only): 24th Avenue, Portland Avenue, Nicollet Avenue, Penn Avenue, France Avenue, Normandale Boulevard and Bush Lake Road. Contact Hennepin County to report a problem or call them at 612-596-7426.

For fiber optic cable work in Bloomington, see: blm.mn/fiber

The City of Bloomington is responsible for construction on local roads not mentioned above. Use this form to submit a complaint about construction carried out by the City.

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Construction Complaint

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